
AuthorsYearTitlesort ascending
V. A. Irdeeva, Shendo, G. L., Arakelyan, R. S., Korolkova, V. S., Maslyaninova, A. E., Rudchik, T. A., Nugmanova, A. R., Ismukhambetova, M. M., Ashimova, K. M., Dzhumataeva, N. T.2021ЭПИДЕМИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ ПЕДИКУЛЕЗА У ДЕТЕЙ В АСТРАХАНСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ
R. Selmi, Belkahia, H., Dhibi, M., Abdelaali, H., Lahmar, S., Ben-Said, M., Messadi, L.2021Zoonotic vector-borne bacteria in wild rodents and associated ectoparasites from Tunisia
D. Otranto, Dantas-Torres, F., Fourie, J. J., Lorusso, V., Varloud, M., Gradoni, L., Drake, J., Geurden, T., Kaminsky, R., Heckeroth, A. R., Schunack, B., Pollmeier, M., Beugnet, F., Holdsworth, P.2021World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (W.A.A.V.P.) guidelines for studies evaluating the efficacy of parasiticides in reducing the risk of vector-borne pathogen transmission in dogs and cats
A. Płaszczyńska, Sławińska, M., Nowicki, T. K., Śmigielski, G., Nowicki, R. J., Sobjanek, M.2021When dermoscopy supports the final diagnosis. A phlegmon and abscess of the neck as a complication of pediculosis capitis
G. Foucher, Faure S.2021What is pediculosis?
R. L. Palma, Galloway T. D.2021Menopon picicola: a new junior synonym of Menacanthus pici (Insecta: Phthiraptera: Menoponidae)
A. M. Zajac, Conboy, G. A., Little, S. E., Reichard, M. V.2021Veterinary Clinical Parasitology, 9th Edition
A. Naeem, Shehzadi A.2021Versatile Fusion of Renown Pediculicidal Agents: An Innovative Thought
E. V. Melnik, Belova, M. V., Potskhveriya, M. M., Simonova, A. Yu, Tyurin, I. A., Ramenskaya, G. V.2021Veratrum Alkaloid Determination in Four Cases of Veratrum Aqua Poisonings
A. A. Grossi, Proctor H. C.2021Variation in Ectosymbiont Assemblages Associated with Rock Pigeons (Columba livia) from Coast to Coast in Canada
V. Agustian Rosyidi, Sutejo I. Rahmawati2021Upaya pemberantasan kutu rambut santri, pelatihan produksi sampo antiketombe dan wirausaha barbershop pesantren
D. R. Gustafsson, Tian, C., Yu, X., Xu, L., Wu, S., Zou, F.2021Unintentional parasite conservation success: chewing lice recovered from Crested Ibis, Nipponia nippon, in breeding program facilities in Shaanxi, China
H. Yıldırım_Can, Çeken N.2021Unilateral Phthiriasis Palpebrarum: A Case Study
M. Adly, Woo, T. Evart, Traboulsi, D., Klassen, D., Hardin, J.2021Understanding Dermatologic Concerns Among Persons Experiencing Homelessness: A Scoping Review and Discussion for Improved Delivery of Care
M. Açici, Eren, G., Özkoc, Ö. Ün, Öztürk, M., Bölükbaş, C. Soner2021Türkiye’de Kızılırmak Deltası’nda, bir kara leylekte (Ciconia nigra) 30 Neophilopterus tricolor (Burmeister, 1838)
H. Feldmeier2021Typhus in the Warsaw Ghetto 1940-1942: how an epidemic increased exponentially, was abated and eventually disappeared
W. Wang, Durden, L. A., Shao, R.2021Two New Species of Sucking Lice (Psocodea: Phthiraptera: Hoplopleuridae) from Chestnut Mice, Pseudomys gracilicaudatus and Pseudomys nanus (Rodentia: Muridae), in Australia
O. Okorji, Olarewaju, O., Smith, T.2021Trench fever
I. Fouda, Nofal, A., Fawzy, M. M., Eldeeb, F.2021Treatment of childhood phthiriasis palpebrarum with systemic ivermectin
S. Brody2021Treating chicken lice
S. A. Lindsay, Caraguel, C. G. B., Gray, R.2021Topical ivermectin is a highly effective seal ‘spot-on’: A randomised trial of hookworm and lice treatment in the endangered Australian sea lion (Neophoca cinerea)
L. Husni, Al-Waiz M.2021Topical ivermectin in the treatment of pediculosis capitis
T. Chiuya, Masiga, D. K., Falzon, L. C., Bastos, A. D. S., Fèvre, E. M., Villinger, J.2021Tick‐borne pathogens, including Crimean‐Congo haemorrhagic fever virus, at livestock markets and slaughterhouses in western Kenya
S. K. Arserim, Cetin, H., Yildirim, A., M. Limoncu, E., Cinbilgel, I., Kaya, T., Özbel, Y., I. Balcıoğlu, C.2021The Toxicity of Essential Oils From Three Origanum Species Against Head Louse, Pediculus humanus capitis
J. Hirzmann, Ebmer, D., Sánchez-Contreras, G. J., Rubio-García, A., Magdowski, G., Gärtner, U., Taubert, A., Hermosilla, C.2021The seal louse (Echinophthirius horridus) in the Dutch Wadden Sea: investigation of vector-borne pathogens
R. Barbieri, Drancourt, M., Raoult, D.2021The role of louse-transmitted diseases in historical plague pandemics
L. Alickovic, Johnson, K. P., Boyd, B. M.2021The reduced genome of a heritable symbiont from an ectoparasitic feather feeding louse
F. Golkar, Behbahani A.2021The Prevalence of Pediculosis in Behbahan County From 2017 to 2018
A. Ramadhan Issa, Mero, W. M. S., Hasan, D. Loqman, Hameed, M. Ahmed2021The Prevalence of Parasites in the Domestic Pigeons (Columba livia domestica) in Zakho City, Kurdistan-Iraq
S. M. Shuvo, Siddiqui, T. Rubaiya, Hoque, M. R., Begum, N., Paul, D. R., Alim, M. Abdul, Alam, M. Z., Dey, A. R.2021The prevalence and potential factors associated with ecto-parasitic infestations in Black Bengal Goats in Mymensingh, Bangladesh
J. Ho, Changbunjong, T., Weluwanarak, T., Hussain, S., Sparagano, O.2021The pests of a pest: A systematic review of ectoparasitic fauna among synanthropic rodents in the 21st century with meta-analysis
G. Liébanas, Sáez, Á., Luna, Á., Romero-Vidal, P., Palma, A., Pérez, J. M.2021The morphology of Colpocephalum pectinatum (Phthiraptera: Amblycera: Menoponidae) under scanning electron microscopy
N. Lamassiaude, Toubate, B., Neveu, C., Charnet, P., Dupuy, C., Debierre-Grockiego, F., Dimier-Poisson, I., Charvet, C. L.2021The molecular targets of ivermectin and lotilaner in the human louse Pediculus humanus humanus: New prospects for the treatment of pediculosis
K. P. Johnson, Weckstein, J. D., Virrueta-Herrera, S., Doña, J.2021The interplay between host biogeography and phylogeny in structuring diversification of the feather louse genus Penenirmus
C. C. Labandeira, Li L.2021The History of Insect Parasitism and the Mid-Mesozoic Parasitoid Revolution
S. Sánchez-Montes, Colunga-Salas, P., Lozano-Sardaneta, Y. N., Zazueta-Islas, H. M., Ballados-González, G. G., Salceda-Sánchez, B., Huerta-Jiménez, H., Torres-Castro, M., Panti-May, J. Alonso, Peniche-Lara, G., Muñoz-García, C. I., Rendón-Franco, E., Ojeda-Chi, M. M., Rodríguez-Vivas, R. Iván, Zavala-Castro, J., Dzul-Rosado, K., Lugo-Caballero, C., Alcántara-Rodríguez, V. E., de la Mora, J. Delgado-, Licona-Enríquez, J. D., de la Mora, D. Delgado-, López-Pérez, A. M., Álvarez-Hernández, G., Tinoco-Gracia, L., Rodríguez-Lomelí, M., Ulloa-García, A., Blum-Domínguez, S., Tamay-Segovia, P., Aguilar-Tipacamú, G., Cruz-Romero, A., Romero-Salas, D., Martínez-Medina, M. A., Becker, I.2021The genus Rickettsia in Mexico: Current knowledge and perspectives
K. Kidsin, Panjai, D., Boonmar, S.2021The first report of seroprevalence of Q fever in water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) in Phatthalung, Thailand
A. S. Rogovskyy, Rogovska, Y. V., Taylor, B. M., Wiener, D. J., Threadgill, D. W.2021The First Immunocompetent Mouse Model of Strictly Human Pathogen, Borrelia recurrentis
P. Kozina, Izdebska, J. N., Kowalczyk, R.2021The first description of the nymphal stages of Hoplopleura longula (Psocodea: Anoplura: Hoplopleuridae) from the harvest mouse Micromys minutus (Rodentia: Muridae)
E. Tihelka, Cai, C., Giacomelli, M., Lozano-Fernandez, J., Rota-Stabelli, O., Huang, D. - Y., Engel, M. S., Donoghue, P. C. J., Pisani, D.2021The evolution of insect biodiversity
R. Nakao, Kasama, K., Boldbaatar, B., Ogura, Y., Kawabata, H., Toyoda, A., Hayashi, T., Takano, A., Maeda, K.2021The evolution of hard tick-borne relapsing fever borreliae is correlated with vector species rather than geographical distance
E. Mey2021The Corvonirmus group (Insecta, Psocodea, Phthiraptera, Ischnocera) of corvids (Aves, Corvidae) . I. Stubbenirmus gen. nov.
C. Chan, Demetriades A. K.2021The contributions of James Carmichael Smyth, Archibald Menzies and Robert Jackson to the treatment of typhus in royal naval vessels in the late 18th century
J. G. Baldwin-Brown, Villa, S. M., Vickrey, A. I., Johnson, K. P., Bush, S. E., Clayton, D. H., Shapiro, M. D.2021The assembled and annotated genome of the pigeon louse Columbicola columbae, a model ectoparasite
M. Salimi, Saghafipour, A., Firoozfar, F., Mozaffari, E., Rezaei, F., Vatandoost, H.2021Study on Efficacy of 1% Permethrin Shampoo and Some Traditional Physical Treatment for Head Lice Infestation
A. D. Sweet, Johnson, K. P., Cao, Y., de_Moya, R. S., Skinner, R. K., Tan, M., Virrueta-Herrera, S., Cameron, S. L.2021Structure, gene order, and nucleotide composition of mitochondrial genomes in parasitic lice from Amblycera
J. Lucatelli, Mariano-Neto, E., Japyassú, H. F.2021Social interaction, and not group size, predicts parasite burden in mammals
M. Koziol, Wappler T.2021Smaller than Small, the Unique Eocene Louse!
E. A. S. Attia, Mostafa, A. E., Atef, M. M.2021Skin Disorders with Pruritus


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith