
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
B. Nimsuphan, Kasorndorkbua, C., Sutasha, K., Pinyopanuwat, N., Pothieng, D.2010[Chewing lice of eurasian curlews (Numenius arquata) from the Li Bong island non-hunting area, Trang province]
M. A. R. Ansari1956A host-list of phthirapteran parasites (lice) found on Indo-Pakistan mammals (mammalia) and birds (aves)
T. Clay1959A key to the species of Austromenopon Bedford (Mallophaga) parasitic on the Charadriiformes
G. B. Thompson1947A list of the type hosts of the Mallophaga and the lice described from them
G. B. Thompson1948A list of the type hosts of the Mallophaga and the lice described from them. [1]
G. B. Thompson1948A list of the type hosts of the Mallophaga and the lice described from them. [2]
G. Timmermann1963A new Quadraceps (Mallophaga, Ischnocera) parasitizing sheathbills (Chionis)
R. D. Price, Leibovitz L.1969A new species of Actornithophilus (Mallophaga: Menoponidae) from the knot
K. C. Emerson1953A new species of Carduiceps
R. D. Price, Emerson K. C.1987A new species of Rallicola, subgenus Parricola (Mallophaga, Philopteridae), from the lotus bird (Charadriiformes: Jacanidae) in New Guinea
K. C. Emerson, Price R. D.1980A new species of Rhynonirmus (Mallophaga: Philopteridae) from the noble snipe (Capella nobilis)
K. C. Emerson, Price R. D.1968A new species of Rhynonirmus from Thailand (Mallophaga: Philopteridae)
S. L. Eduardo2018A new species of Saemundssonia and new records of quadraceps species (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Philopteridae) found on some Philippine charadriiform birds
E. S. Eveleigh, Threlfall W.1974A new species, and notes on a previously described species, of Austromenopon Bedford, 1939 (Mallophaga: Amblycera) from alcids (Aves: Charadriiformes)
R. L. Palma1995A New Synonymy and New Records of Quadraceps (Insecta, Phthiraptera, Philopteridae) from the Galapagos Islands
K. C. Emerson1956A note on the identity of Longimenopon pediculoides (Mjoberg)
J. Złotorzycka, Modrzejewska, M., Kopij, G.1999A preliminary study on Mallophaga in South African birds
T. Clay1950A preliminary survey of the distribution of Mallophaga ('Feather lice') on the class Aves (Birds)
R. D. Price1965A review of Comatomenopon, with descriptions of two new species (Mallophaga: Menoponidae)
K. I. Warheit1992A review of the fossil seabirds from the tertiary of the North Pacific - plate-tectonics, paleoceanography, and faunal change
G. H. E. Hopkins, Timmermann G.1954A revision of the species Quadraceps (Mallophaga) parasitic on the Tringinae
O. Girisgin, Girisgin, A. Onur, Cimenlikaya, N., Saygin, B.2022A Survey of the Ectoparasites Found on Wild Birds in Northwest Turkey
1949Arthropods of Potential Medica land Veterinary Importance from Ponape, Caroline Islands
N. L. Gottdenker, Walsh, T., Vargas, H., Merkel, J., Jiménez, G. U., R. Miller, E., Dailey, M. D., Parker, P. G.2005Assessing the risks of introduced chickens and their pathogens to native birds in the Galápagos Archipelago
E. Mey1980Bigynie beim Kiebitz (Vanellus vanellus)
R. A. Ward1955Biting lice of the genus Saemundssonia (Mallophaga: Philopteridae) occuring on terns
D. J. Forrester, II, H. W. Kale, Price, R. D., Emerson, K. C., Foster, G. W.1995Chewing lice (Mallophaga) from birds in Florida: A listing by host
D. R. Gustafsson, Lei, L., Chu, X., Zhao, X., Zou, F.2019Chewing lice (Phthiraptera) of the Grey-headed Lapwing Vanellus cinereus in China
B. Dik, Erciyas_Yavuz, K., Bal, M., Özsemir, A. Cemal, Yavuz, N., Davulcu, D. Sıla2023Chewing lice (Phthiraptera, Amblycera, Ischnocera) from shorebirds (Aves, Charadriiformes) in the Kızılırmak Delta, Turkey
Z. Bahiraei, Sazmand, A., Khedri, J., Babaei, M., Moeinifard, E., Dik, B.2024Chewing lice of wild birds in Iran: new data and a checklist of avian louse species reported in Iran
H. Saeed Al-Aredhi, Al-Mayali H. Madlool2019Chewing lice parasitic on migratory aquatic birds in Al- Delmaj marsh/ Iraq
E. A. Tavera, Minaya, D., Ortiz_Lopez, E., Iannacone, J., Lank, D. B.2019Chewing lice richness and occurrence in non-breeding shorebirds in Paracas, Perú
H. M. Silva, Valim, M. Paiva, Gama, R. A.2014Community of Chewing Lice (Phthiraptera: Amblycera and Ischnocera) Parasites of Resident Birds at the Archipelago of São Pedro and São Paulo in Northeast Brazil
J. Hughes, Page R. D. M.2007Comparative tests of ectoparasite species richness in seabirds
I. K. Marshall2002Congruence and cospeciation: Morphological and molecular phylogenetics of the Amblycera (Phthiraptera)
C. Talabante-Ramírez, Bernal_Sosa I.2023Contribution to the fauna of chewing lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) in wild birds of Spain, with new records and new host-louse associations
F. Príncipe, Minaya, D., Cipriano, S., Naupay, A. I., Iannacone, J.2020Contributions to the knowledge of lice diversity (Phthiraptera: Amblycera and Ischnocera) in birds from Peru
C. Adam, Chisamera, G., Daróczi, S. J., Sàndor, A. D., Gogu-Bogdan, M.2009Data on the chewing louse fauna (Phthiraptera: Amblycera, Ischnocera) from some wild and domestic birds of Romania
A. Kumar Saxena, Surman, Singh, S. K., Kumar, A.1998Description of life history stages of poultry shaft louse, Menopon gallinae (Phthiraptera: Amblycera, Menoponidae)
E. Mey1973Die Dreizehenmöwe, Rissa tridactyla (L.), in Thüringen
E. Mey1970Die Lachmöwe (Larus ridibundus) in Thüringen
G. S. Markov1937Die Parasiten von Uria lomvia auf der Insel Novaja Semlja
E. Mey1986Dreizehenmöwe – Rissa tridactyla (L., 1758)
S. Bin Muzaffar2000Ectoparasites of auks (Alcidae) at the gannet islands, Labrador: diversity, ecology and host parasite interactions
I. Literák1983Ectoparasites on the birds (Passeriformes, Charadriiformes) passing through the Moravian Gate
B. L. Cohen, Baker, A. J., Bleschschmidt, K., Dittmann, D. L., Furness, R. W., Gerwin, J. A., Helbig, A. J., DeKorte, J., Marshall, H. D., Palma, R. L., Peter, H. U., Ramli, R., Siebold, I., Willcox, M. S., Wilson, R. H., Zink, R. M.1997Enigmatic phylogeny of skuas (Aves: Stercorariidae)
B. L. Cohen, Baker, A. J., Bleschschmidt, K., Dittmann, D. L., Furness, R. W., Gerwin, J. A., Helbig, A. J., DeKorte, J., Marshall, H. D., Palma, R. L., Peter, H. U., Ramli, R., Siebold, I., Willcox, M. S., Wilson, R. H., Zink, R. M.1997Enigmatic phylogeny of skuas (Aves: Stercorariidae) - Erratum


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith