
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Y. Anziska, Rahman A.2017Pediatric myasthenia gravis exacerbation associated with permethrin cream
S. Barik-Abi, Davari, B., Nasirian, H.2022Investigation of Factors Affecting Head Lice (Pediculus Humanus Capitis) Infestation Prevalence and Evaluation of Permethrin 1% and Dimethicone 4% for Its Treatment in Primary Girl Students in Doroud County
M. Bonanno, Lee, O. S., Sayed, C.2022Decreases in scabies and lice cases among the pediatric and adult populations during COVID‐19
M. Bulgarella, Palma R. L.2017Coextinction dilemma in the Galápagos Islands: Can Darwin's finches and their native ectoparasites survive the control of the introduced fly Philornis downsi?
S. Ebrahimi, Shahriari-Namadi, M., Shahabi, S., Moemenbellah-Fard, M. D., Alipour, H.2022Permethrin-associated kdr Mutations through Molecular Analysis of Human Head Lice (Phthiraptera: Pediculidae) Populations in School Children in the South of Iran
A. Haghighizadeh, Mortezanejad, S. Azadeh Fal, Dadpour, S., Rajabi, O.2022Evaluation of Anti-lice Topical Lotion of Ozonated Olive Oil and Comparisonof its Effect with Permethrin Shampoo
L. Hamedanian, Salmani-Nadoshan, M. Reza, Vatandoost, H., Baniardalani, M., Rafinejad, J.2022Evaluation of Efficiency of Ivermectin Lotion in Comparison with Permethrin Shampoo and Dimethicone Lotion for Treatment of Head Lice (Pediculus humanus capitis) in Areas Covered by Health Centers of Islamshahr City, Tehran, Iran in 2019
M. Kamalinejad, Sharif, A., Gachkar, L., Ehsani, A. H., Ahmadian-Attar, M., Torabi, M. R., Kodadoost, M.2019Investigating the Efficacy of Sumac Topical Solution Against Permethrin-resistant Human Head Lice
M. Karami-Jooshin, Mohebbi, S., Saghafipour, A., Ghafoori, Y., Abedi-Astaneh, F., Izanloo, H.2022Comparative efficacy of vinegar before and after using permethrin shampoo for removal of head lice in the elementary school students
H. Kassiri, Fahdani, A. Ebrahimi, Cheraghian, B.2020Comparative efficacy of permethrin 1%, lindane 1%, and dimeticone 4% for the treatment of head louse infestation in Iran
H. Kohler-Aanesen, Saari, S., Armstrong, R., Péré, K., Taenzler, J., Zschiesche, E., Heckeroth, A. R.2017Efficacy of fluralaner (Bravecto™ chewable tablets) for the treatment of naturally acquired Linognathus setosus infestations on dogs
A. K. C. Leung, Lam, J. M., Leong, K. - F., Barankin, B., Hon, K. - L.2022Paediatrics: how to manage pediculosis capitis
J. Lindh, Mumcuoglu K. Y.2012Molecular analysis of pyrethroid resistance in Pediculus humanus capitis from Israel.
A. Maheshwary2020Human infestation with pubic lice
B. M. Monisha, Madhumitha, M., Thilagavathi, S.2018Comparison of efficiency of 1% permethrin lotion vs. 0.5% ivermectin shampoo in the treatment of pediculosis capitis
D. Nolt, Moore, S., Yan, A. C., Melnick, L.2022Head Lice
J. Prendiville2020Lice
Sweeney, A., Russell, J. J., Russell, E.2019Scabies and Head Lice
M. Salimi, Saghafipour, A., Firoozfar, F., Mozaffari, E., Rezaei, F., Vatandoost, H.2021Study on Efficacy of 1% Permethrin Shampoo and Some Traditional Physical Treatment for Head Lice Infestation
R. Subahar, Susanto, L., Aidilla, R., Aulia, A. Putri, Yulhasri, Y., Winita, R., Lubis, N. S., Sari, I. Puspa2021In vitro experiments of Pediculus humanus capitis (Phthiraptera: Pediculidae) resistance to permethrin and 6-paradol in East Jakarta: Detoxification enzyme activity and electron microscopic changes in lice
R. Llada_Suárez, Del_Fresno_Marqués, L., Vidal_Fernández, S., Vázquez_González, N.2018Evidencia científica y recomendaciones sobre el tratamiento de la pediculosis
S. Zia, Zia, I., Liaqat, A., Jaffer, S. Rabab, Shamail, F.2022Severe Lice Infestation in Patient of Atopic Dermatitis
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith