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C. Mishra, Kim, U., Dheera, M. S., Krishnakumar, K.2022Combined treatment modality including topical 20% fluorescein dye in the management of phthiriasis palpebrarum – A case series
N. Batool, Song, D., Reyes, J. Vincent M., Ahmad, S., Skulkidis, A., Almas, T., Khedro, T., Brown, M.2021Ectoparasitosis, a rare cause of severe iron deficiency anemia: A case report
A. P. Retana-Salazar1996Evidencia parasitológica sobre la fdogenia de los homínidos y los cébidos
M. M. el-Sibae1991Generalized pediculosis due to Phthirus pubis
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L. A. Durden2019Lice (Phthiraptera)
T. Muñoz-Caro, González, M. Fernanda, Villalobos, R., Hidalgo, A.2024Parasitic findings on threatened pudu deer from Central Chile accounts first genetic characterization of lice parasitizing P. puda in Chile and the first molecular report of Taenia hydatigena metacestodes in this species
M. H. Kirschner1982Phthirus pubis infestation of the eyelashes
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L. Charles Parish1985Pthirus pubis and lindane resistance
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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith