
AuthorsYearsort ascendingTitle
K. Lihou, Wall R.2021Prevalence and distribution of lice on sheep and cattle farms in Great Britain
B. T. Lakew, Kheravii, S. K., Wu, S. - B., Eastwood, S., Andrew, N. R., Nicholas, A. H., Walkden-Brown, S. William2021Detection and distribution of haematophagous flies and lice on cattle farms and potential role in the transmission of Theileria orientalis
D. Otranto, Dantas-Torres, F., Fourie, J. J., Lorusso, V., Varloud, M., Gradoni, L., Drake, J., Geurden, T., Kaminsky, R., Heckeroth, A. R., Schunack, B., Pollmeier, M., Beugnet, F., Holdsworth, P.2021World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (W.A.A.V.P.) guidelines for studies evaluating the efficacy of parasiticides in reducing the risk of vector-borne pathogen transmission in dogs and cats
E. Yarto_Jaramillo, Romero_Núñez, C., Álvarez-Zavala, Mde los, Cruz-López, E., Rangel_Díaz, J., Miranda_Contreras, L., Galicia-Franco, E., Heredia_Cardenas, R.2020Use of afoxolaner for the treatment of lice (Goniodes pavonis) in different genera (Chrysolophus spp, Lophura spp, Phasianus spp, and Syrmaticus spp) and species of pheasants and West Mexican Chachalacas (Ortalis poliocephala)
D. Otranto2018Arthropod-borne pathogens of dogs and cats: From pathways and times of transmission to disease control
Y. Ajith, Dimri, U., Singh, S. K., Gopalakrishnan, A., Devi, G., Verma, M. Ram, Joshi, V., Alam, S.2017Lice induced immuno-oxidative wreckage of goats
C. Gracielle Ferreira, Mafra, C., Bezerra, A. Carla Dió, de Carvalho, O. Valério, Silva, A. Júnior, de Almeida, M. Rogéria2013Campanulotes compar (Burmeister, 1838) (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera) in chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) from Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil. The reemergence of an ectoparasite?
A. Dozières, Pisanu, B., Gerriet, O., Lapeyre, C., Stuyck, J., Chapuis, J. - L.2010Macroparasites of Pallas's squirrels (Callosciurus erythraeus) introduced into Europe
S. Hornok, Hofmann-Lehmann, R., de Mera, I. G. Fernández, Meli, M. L., Elek, V., Hajtós, I., Répási, A., Gönczi, E., Tánczos, B., Farkas, R., Lutz, H., de la Fuente, J.2010Survey on blood-sucking lice (Phthiraptera: Anoplura) of ruminants and pigs with molecular detection of Anaplasma and Rickettsia spp
M. Förster, Klimpel, S., Sievert, K.2009The house fly (Musca domestica) as a potential vector of metazoan parasites caught in a pig-pen in Germany
O. Sychra, Harmat, P., Literák, I.2008Chewing lice (Phthiraptera) on chickens (Gallus gallus) from small backyard flocks in the eastern part of the Czech Republic
P. J. James, Bartholomaeus, F. W., Karlsson, L. J. E.2007Temporal relationship between infestation with lice (Bovicola ovis Schrank) and the development of pruritic behaviour and fleece derangement in sheep
H. W. White, Hutchens, D. E., Jones, C., Firkins, L. D., Paul, A. J., Smith, L. L., Snyder, D. E.2006Therapeutic and persistent efficacy of spinosad applied as a pour-on or a topical spray against natural infestations of chewing and sucking lice on cattle
L. L. Briggs, Colwell, D. D., Wall, R.2006Control of the cattle louse Bovicola bovis with the fungal pathogen Metarhizium anisopliae
L. A. Durden, Cunningham, M. W., McBride, R., Ferree, B.2006Ectoparasites of free-ranging pumas and jaguars in the Paraguayan Chaco
P. A. Holdswortha, Vercruysseb, J., Rehbein, S., Peterd, R. J., Letonjae, T., Green, P.2006World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (W.A.A.V.P.) guidelines for evaluating the efficacy of ectoparasiticides against biting lice, sucking lice and sheep keds on ruminants
M. P. Nelder, Reeves W. K.2005Ectoparasites of road-killed vertebrates in northwestern South Carolina, USA
R. M. Cleale, Lloyd, J. E., Smith, L. L., Grubbs, M. A., Grubbs, S. T., Kumar, R., Amodie, D. M.2004Persistent activity of moxidectin long-acting injectable formulations against natural and experimentally enhanced populations of lice infesting cattle
D. González-Acuña, Castro, Ddel Carmen, Gonzalez, S.2004Ectoparasitic species from Canis familiaris (Linne) in Buenos Aires province, Argentina
E. Colebrook, Wall R.2004Ectoparasites of livestock in Europe and Mediterraenean region
M. Pollmeier, Pengo, G., Longo, M., Jeannin, P.2004Effective treatment and control of biting lice, Felicola subrostratus (Nitzsch in Burmeister, 1838), on cats using fipronil formulations
A. S. Milnes, O'Callaghan, C. J., Green, L. E.2003A longitudinal study of a natural lice infestation in growing cattle over two winter periods
T. Sreter, Szell, Z., Varga, I.2003Ectoparasite infestations of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Hungary
A. S. Milnes, O'Callaghan, C. J., Green, L. E.2003A longitudinal study of a natural lice infestation in growing cattle over two winter periods
D. D. Colwell2002Persistent activity of moxidectin pour-on and injectable against sucking and biting louse infestations of cattle
P. J. James, Carmichael, I. H., Pfeffer, A., Martin, R. R., O'Callaghan, M. G.2002Variation among Merino sheep in susceptibilty to lice (Bovicola ovis) and association with susceptibility to trichostrongylid gastrointestinal parasites
P. J. James, Garrett, J. A., Moon, R. D.2002Sensitivity of two-stage sampling to detect sheep biting lice (Bovicola ovis) in infested flocks
L. H. Akucewich, Philman, K., Clark, A., Gillespie, J., Kunkle, G., Nicklin, C. F., Greiner, E. C.2002Prevalence of ectoparasites in a population of feral cats from north central Florida during the summer
P. F. Gordo, Herrera, S., Castro, A. T., B. Duran, G., Diaz, R. A. Martine2002Parasites from farmed ostriches (Struthio camelus) and rheas (Rhea americana) in Europe
D. D. Colwell, Himsl-Rayner C.2002Linognathus vituli (Anoplura: Linognathidae): population growth, dispersal and development of humoral immune responses in naive calves following induced infestations
M. Pollmeier, Pengo, G., Jeannin, P., Soll, M.2002Evaluation of the efficacy of fipronil formulations in the treatment and control of biting lice, Trichodectes canis (De Geer, 1778) on dogs
S. K. Wikel, Alarcon-Chaidez F. J.2001Progress toward molecular characterization of ectoparasite modulation of host immunity
J. E. Lloyd, Kumar, R., Grubbs, M. A., Waggoner, J. W., Norelius, E. E., Smith, L. L., Brake, A. C., Skogerboe, T. L., Shostrom, V. K.2001Persistent efficacy of doramectin topical solution against induced infestations of Bovicola bovis and Solenopotes capillatus
J. B. Campbell, Boxler, D. J., Davis, R. L.2001Comparative efficacy of several insecticides for control of cattle lice (Mallophaga: Trichodectidae and Anoplura: Haematopinidae)
S. Crawford, James, P. J., Maddocks, S.2001Survival away from sheep and alternative methods of transmission of sheep lice (Bovicola ovis)
P. E. Kaufman, Rutz, D. A., Doscher, M. E., Albright, R.2001Efficacy of chlorfenapyr (AC 303630) experimental pour-on and CyLence formulations against naturally acquired louse infestations on cattle in New York
M. P. Ward, Armstrong R. T. F.2000Inspection of wool lots at sales as a diagnostic test for louse infestation
D. R. Hennessy, Darwish, A., Maxwell, C. A.2000Increased control of the sheep biting louse Bovicola (Damalinia) ovis with deltamethrin formulated in a fractionated wool grease carrier
T. L. Skogerboe, Smith, L. L., Karle, V. K., Derozier, C. L.2000The persistent efficacy of doramectin pour-on against biting and sucking louse infestations of cattle
M. P. Ward, Armstrong R. T.1999Prevalence and clustering of louse infestation in Queensland sheep flocks
P. J. James, Moon R. D.1999Spatial distribution and spread of sheep biting lice, Bovicola ovis, from point infestations
M. D. Ruff1999Important parasites in poultry production systems
I. Yeruham, Rosen, S., Hadani, A., Braverman, Y.1999Arthropod parasites of Nubian ibexes (Capra ibex nubiana) and Gazelles (Gazella gazella) in Israel
J. E. Holste, Smith, L. L., Hair, J. A., Lancaster, J. L., Lloyd, J. E., Langholff, W. K., Barrick, R. A., Eagleson, J. S.1997Eprinomectin: a novel avermectin for control of lice in all classes of cattle
D. W. Watson, Lloyd, J. E., Kumar, R.1997Density and distribution of cattle lice (Phthiraptera: Haematopinidae, Linognathidae, Trichodectidae) on six steers
A. Villeneuve, Daigneault J.1997Evaluation of the protective efficacy of doramectin against sucking lice of cattle
A. C. G. Heath, Bishop, D. M., Cole, D. J. W., Pfeffer, A. T.1996The development of cockle, a sheep pelt defect, in relation to size of infestation and time of exposure to Bovicola ovis, the sheep biting louse
B. Losson, Lonneux J. F.1996Field efficacy of moxidectin 0.5% pour-on against Chorioptes bovis, Damalinia bovis, Linognathus vituli and Psoroptes ovis in naturally infected cattle
A. C. G. Heath, Bishop, D. M., Cole, D. J., Pfeffer, A. T.1996The development of cockle, a sheep pelt defect, in relation to size of infestation and time of exposure to Bovicola ovis, the sheep-biting louse
N. B. Logan, Weatherley, A. J., Jones, R. M.1996Activity of doramectin against nematode and arthropod parasites of swine


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith