
AuthorsYearsort ascendingTitle
L. Rózsa, Weaver H. J.2024Chapter 64: Phthiraptera (Order): Lice [Concepts in Animal Parasitology]
B. Dik2024Notes on Lice (Psocodea: Phthiraptera) Species in Domestic and Wild Mammals in Türkiye: Some Corrections and New Additions
A. - R. Kazim, Houssaini, J., Tappe, D., Heo, C. - C.2022An annotated checklist of sucking lice (Phthiraptera: Anoplura) from domestic and wild mammals in Malaysia, with lists of hosts and pathogens
Y. - T. Fu, Suleman,, Yao, C., Wang, H. - M., Wang, W., Liu, G. - H.2022A Novel Mitochondrial Genome Fragmentation Pattern in the Buffalo Louse Haematopinus tuberculatus (Psocodea: Haematopinidae)
Y. Nishide, Oguchi, K., Murakami, M., Moriyama, M., Koga, R., Fukatsu, T.2022Endosymbiotic bacteria of the boar louse Haematopinus apri (Insecta: Phthiraptera: Anoplura)
C. Saegerman, Bonnet, S. I., Bouhsira, E., De_Regge, N., Fite, J., Etoré, F., Garigliany, M. - M., Jori, F., Lempereur, L., Le_Potier, M. - F., Quillery, E., Vergne, T., Vial, L.2021An expert opinion assessment of blood‐feeding arthropods based on their capacity to transmit African swine fever virus in Metropolitan France
T. Chiuya, Masiga, D. K., Falzon, L. C., Bastos, A. D. S., Fèvre, E. M., Villinger, J.2021Tick‐borne pathogens, including Crimean‐Congo haemorrhagic fever virus, at livestock markets and slaughterhouses in western Kenya
W. -ge Dong, Dong, Y., Guo, X. -guo, Shao, R.2021Frequent tRNA gene translocation towards the boundaries with control regions contributes to the highly dynamic mitochondrial genome organization of the parasitic lice of mammals
K. M. D. Kuabara, Valim M. Paiva2021Phthiraptera
B. T. Lakew, Kheravii, S. K., Wu, S. - B., Eastwood, S., Andrew, N. R., Nicholas, A. H., Walkden-Brown, S. William2021Detection and distribution of haematophagous flies and lice on cattle farms and potential role in the transmission of Theileria orientalis
M. Ruiz, Acosta, D. Belén, Baricalla, A., Sanchez, J. P.2021Molecular detection of Rickettsia in ectoparasites (Siphonaptera and Phthiraptera) of domestic and feral pigs from Argentina
S. I. Bonnet, Bouhsira, E., De_Regge, N., Fite, J., Etoré, F., Garigliany, M. - M., Jori, F., Lempereur, L., Le_Potier, M. - F., Quillery, E., Saegerman, C., Vergne, T., Vial, L.2020Putative Role of Arthropod Vectors in African Swine Fever Virus Transmission in Relation to Their Bio-Ecological Properties
Y. - T. Fu, Nie, Y., Duan, D. - Y., Liu, G. - H.2020Variation of mitochondrial minichromosome composition in Hoplopleura lice (Phthiraptera: Hoplopleuridae) from rats
D. Belén Acosta, Ruiz, M., Sanchez, J. P.2019First molecular detection of Mycoplasma suis in the pig louse Haematopinus suis (Phthiraptera: Anoplura) from Argentina
M. Kwak, Lee, L., Da Hsu, C. -2019First record of the hog louse Haematopinus suis (Insecta: Phthiraptera) in Singapore, and its implications for the emergence and spread of zoonosis and wildlife disease
S. Feng, Li, H., Song, F., Wang, Y., Stejskal, V., Cai, W., Li, Z.2019A novel mitochondrial genome fragmentation pattern in Liposcelis brunnea, the type species of the genus Liposcelis (Psocodea: Liposcelididae)
M. Nadir Meguini, Righi, S., Zeroual, F., Saidani, K., Benakhla, A.2018Inventory of lice of mammals and farmyard chicken in North-eastern Algeria
F. Zeroual, Leulmi, H., BITAM, I., Benakhla, A.2018Molecular evidence of Rickettsia slovaca in spleen of wild boars in northeastern Algeria
M. L. Kabululu, Ngowi, H. A., Kimera, S. I., Lekule, F. P., Kimbi, E. C., Johansen, M. V.2018Effectiveness of an integrated intervention in the control of endo- and ectoparasites of pigs kept by smallholder farmers in Mbeya rural and Mbozi districts, Tanzania
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M. Förster2011Synanthrope Fliegen als Träger und potenzielle Vektoren von pathogenen Mikroorganismen und Parasiten
M. Förster, Klimpel, S., Sievert, K.2009The house fly (Musca domestica) as a potential vector of metazoan parasites caught in a pig-pen in Germany
M. Zelazowska2005Structure of the ovary and the differentiation of follicular epithelium in the pig louse, Haematopinus suis (Insecta: Phthiraptera)
M. Zelazowska, Jaglarz M. K.2004Oogenesis in phthirapterans (Insecta: Phthiraptera). 1. Morphological and histochemical characterization of the oocyte nucleus and its inclusions
I. M. Damriyasa, Failing, K., Volmer, R., Zahner, H., Bauer, C.2004Prevalence, risk factors and economic importance of infestations with Sarcoptes scabiei and Haematopinus suis in sows of pig breeding farms in Hesse, Germany
J. M. Smits, Merks J. W.2001The importance of different pig diseases in the Netherlands
L. A. Durden2000Louse-borne pathogens
M. Zelazowska, Biliński S. M.1999Distribution and transmission of endosymbiotic microorganisms in the oocytes of the pig louse, Haematopinus suis (L.) (Insecta : Phthiraptera)
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G. Vazquez, Garcia, S., Torno-Cafasso, O., Castro, Ddel Carmen1999Electromobility analysis of proteins from different developmental states of Haematopinus suis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Insecta: Anoplura)
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M. D. Soler-Cruz1995Antennal sense organs of Phthiraptera (Insecta) - scanning electron microscopy of several species of Anoplura
J. M. Doby, Bigaignon, G., Degeilh, B., Guiguen, C.1994Ectoparasites of large wild mammals (deer and wild boars) and lyme Borreliosis - search for Borrelia burgdorferi in more than 1400 ticks, lice, pupipares and fleas
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B. S. Rawat, Kumar, A., Saxena, A. Kumar1991Prevalence of Haematopinus suis Linne (Phthiraptera, Haematopinidae) on swine belonging to an Indian locality
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M. Mazzini1978Indagine comparativa sulle stutture microphilari e corionidee delle uova di Pediculus humanus capitis e Haematopinus suis (Insecta, Anoplura)
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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith