
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
T. Clay1958A note on some Antarctic Mallophaga
T. Clay1958Three new species of Degeeriella Neumann (Mallophaga) from the Falconiformes (Aves)
T. Clay1958Revisions of the Mallophaga genera. Degeeriella from the Falconiformes
T. Clay1957Mallophaga from Tristan da Cunha. Part I.
T. Clay1957An overlooked Piaget species of Mallophaga
T. Clay1957The type-species of the mallophagan genus Harrisoniella
T. Clay1957A request to deer-stalkers
T. Clay1957Response to: Systemic effect of Dieldrin on the 'Body Louse' of poultry
T. Clay1957The Degeeriella [Insecta: Mallophaga] parasitic on Pernis [Aves: Falconiformes]
T. Clay1955Sucking lice from hares
T. Clay1955A new genus of Ischnocera (Mallophaga)
T. Clay1955Revisions of the genera of Mallophaga. Colilipeurus Bedford and a new genus
T. Clay1954The post-spiracular seta and sensillus in the Mallophaga (Insecta)
T. Clay1953Revisions of the genera of Mallophaga - I. The Rallicola-complex
T. Clay1953Systematic notes on the Piaget collections of Mallophaga. - Part IV
T. Clay1951An introduction to a classification of the avian Ischnocera (Mallophaga): Part I
T. Clay1951Systematic notes on the Piaget collections of Mallophaga. - Part III
T. Clay1951Systematic notes on the Piaget collections of Mallophaga. - Part II
T. Clay1950A preliminary survey of the distribution of Mallophaga ('Feather lice') on the class Aves (Birds)
T. Clay1949Some problems in the evolution of a group of ectoparasites
T. Clay1949Species of the genus Saemundssonia (Mallophaga) from the Sterninae
T. Clay1949Piercing mouth-parts in the biting lice (Mallophaga)
T. Clay1949Systematic notes on the Piaget collections of Mallophaga. - Part I
T. Clay1949Systematic notes on the Piaget collections of Mallophaga. - Part I cont.
T. Clay1948Relationships within the Sternidae as indicated by their mallophagan Parasites
T. Clay1948Mallophaga miscellany. 4. I. Notes on the Goniodidae; II. The type-host of Oxylipeurus appendiculatus (Piaget); III The Denny and Piaget collections in the British Museum; IV Host names in the Pelecaniformes
T. Clay1948A new type of external organ found in the Mallophaga
T. Clay1947Mallophaga miscellany - No. 4
T. Clay1947A preliminary key to the genera of the Menoponidae (Mallophaga)
T. Clay1947The systematic position of the Musophagi as indicated by their Mallophagan parasites
T. Clay1946Mallophaga miscellany - No. 3: The trabecula
T. Clay1946The Mallophagan parasites of the Passeriformes
T. Clay1943Bird lice from the Tinamidae
T. Clay1941A new genus and species of Mallophaga
T. Clay1940Genera and species of Mallophaga occurring on Gallinaceous hosts. - Part II. Goniodes
T. Clay1940Mallophagan Miscellany - Part 1
T. Clay1940Anoplura
T. Clay1939A note on some Mallophagan names
T. Clay1938The names of some mallophagan genera
T. Clay1938Revision of the genera and species of Mallophaga occurring on Gallinaceous hosts. - Part I. Lipeurus and related genera
T. Clay1938New species of Mallophaga from Afropavo congensis Chapin
T. Clay1937Mallophaga from the Tinamidae
T. Clay1936Two new genera of Mallophaga
T. Clay1936New species of Mallophaga recorded from Asiatic birds
T. Clay, Hopkins G. H. E.1961Harrisoniella Bedford, 1928: Proposed designation of a type-species under the plenary powers (Insecta, Mallophaga)
T. Clay, Hopkins G. H. E.1960The early literature on Mallophaga. Part IV, 1787-1818
T. Clay, Hopkins G. H. E.1958Pediculus dentatus Scopoli, 1763
T. Clay, Hopkins G. H. E.1955Notes on the Rudow collection of Mallophaga at Hamburg
T. Clay, Hopkins G. H. E.1954The early literature of Mallophaga. Part III, 1776-1786
T. Clay, Hopkins G. H. E.1951The early literature on Mallophaga. Part II, 1763-1775


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith