
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
W. W. G. Büttiker1953Docophorulus priniae, a new species of Mallophaga from Prinia flavicans (Priniidae, Aves)
W. W. G. Büttiker1949Untitled
W. W. G. Büttiker1949Eine neue Antilopenlaus, Linognathus geigyi n.sp.
W. W. G. Büttiker1945Parasiten des Alpenseglers
W. W. G. Büttiker, Eichler W.1969Federlinge trinken Augenflüssigkeit
W. W. G. Büttiker, Mahnert V.1978Preliminary list of Anoplura (Insecta) from Switzerland
V. Cabasso1947Reaction of the human body louse:(Pediculus humanus humanus corporis) to the ingestion of Guinea Pig Blood.
V. Cabasso1947Mass infection of body lice with Rickettsia prowazeki
L. Cais1980Occurrence and number of lice Polyplax reclinata (Nitzsch, 1864) in the Crocidura leucodon (Hermann, 1780) population from Putawy (Hermann, 1780)
L. Cais1977Lice Eulinognathus euchoreutae sp. n. and Eulinognathus alactaguli Blagoveshchensky, 1965 (Polyplacinae, Anoplura) taken from Asiatic jerboas
L. Cais1977Wszy (Anoplura) zebrane na Gryzoniach w Tatrach Polskich
L. Cais1974Schizophthirus jaczewskii sp.n., a new Species of Hoplopleuridae (Anoplura) from Poland
L. Cais, Mitev D.1978New Lice (Anoplura) in Bulgarian Fauna
J. H. Calaby1970Phthiraptera (Lice)
J. H. Calaby, Murray M. D.1991Phthiraptera
O. Calderón-Arguedas, Solano, M. E., Sánchez, C.2003The problem of pediculosis capitis in school children of the metropolitan area of San Jose, Costa Rica
D. Caldwell, Caldwell M.1969The harbor seal Phoca vitulina concolor in Florida
A. P. L. Callinan1980Effects of artificially induced infestations of the cattle louse, Linognathus vituli
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J. A. Camacho, Irwin-Williams C.1967Earliest new world men
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S. L. Cameron, Johnson, K. P., Whiting, M. F.2007The Mitochondrial Genome of the Screamer Louse Bothriometopus (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera): Effects of ExtensiveGene Rearrangements on the Evolution of the Genome
J. B. Campbell, Boxler, D. J., Davis, R. L.2001Comparative efficacy of several insecticides for control of cattle lice (Mallophaga: Trichodectidae and Anoplura: Haematopinidae)
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A. G. Canaris, Mena, A. C., Bristol, J. R.1981Parasites of waterfowl from Southwest Texas. III. The green-winged teal, Anas crecca
G. H. Cannon1922A further account of the spermatogenesis of lice
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J. Maldonado Capriles, Gaud S. Medina1971Distribution and abundance of the cattle-tail louse Haematopinus quadripertusus (Anoplura, Haematopinidae) in Puerto Rico
J. L. S. Cardoso, Oliveira C. M. B.1993Parasite fauna of goats in Grande Porto Alegre
H. H. Carriker1993Carriker origins
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1967Carriker on Mallophaga: Posthumous papers, Catalog of forms described as new, and Bibliography
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1967Catalog of forms described as new by M. A. Carriker, Jr.
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1967Posthumous papers of Melbourne A. Carriker, Jr. V. New species of Colinicola, Passonomedea, Eiconolipeurus, and Oxylipeurus (Mallophaga: Philopteridae) from neotropical Gallinaceous birds
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1967Posthumous papers of Melbourne A. Carriker, Jr. I. The mallophagan genus Menacanthus (Insecta: Menoponidae) parasitic on the woodpeckers (Aves: Picidae)
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1967Posthumous papers of Melbourne A. Carriker, Jr. II. New species of Trichodomedea (Mallophaga: Philopteridae) from neotropical Gallinaceous hosts
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1967Posthumous papers of Melbourne A. Carriker, Jr. IV. Review of the genus Cracimenopon (Mallophaga: Menoponidae) found on the avian genus Ortalis, with descriptions of six new forms
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1967Posthumous papers of Melbourne A. Carriker, Jr. III. Review of the genus Desumenopon (Mallophaga: Menoponidae) with descriptions of three new forms
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1966New species and records of Mallophaga (Insecta) from Neotropical owls (Strigiformes)
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1966A revision of the genus Furnaricola (Mallophaga) with descriptions of new species
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1964Especies nuevas y poco conocidas de Mallophaga (Insecta) de Aves Venezolanas (Parte III)
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1964Descriptions of new and little known species of Mallophaga (Insecta) from maritime hosts of Chile, South America
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1964On the genera Ciconiphilus and Ardeiphilus with descriptions of six new species (Mallophaga, Menoponidae)
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1963Mallophaga de Mexico y Centro America (Insecta)
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1963On some Mallophaga from Trinidad, W.I. and British Guiana in the collections of the British Museum (Natural History)
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1963New and little known Mallophaga from Venezuelan birds (Part II)
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1963Neotropical Mallophaga (Insecta) miscellany No. 13
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1962Studies in Neotropical Mallophaga. XII (Part 8): lice of the tinamous
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1961New species of Physconelloides (Mallophaga) from Colombian hosts. Neotropical miscellany No. 13
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1961Studies in Neotropical Mallophaga. XII (Part 7): lice of the tinamous


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith