
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
D. Moraes Barros-Battesti, Arzúa, M., Linardi, P. Marcos, Botelho, J. Ramiro, Sbalqueiro, I. José1998Interrelationship between ectoparasites and wild rodents from Tijucas do Sul, State of Paraná, Brazil
Ddel Carmen Castro1997Two new species of the genus Hoplopleura (Phthiraptera, Anoplura, Hoplopleuridae) parasitic on miomorph rodents
Ddel Carmen Castro1981Contribución al conocimiento de los Anoplura Argentinos. I Hoplopleura minuta sp. nov., Parásita de Akodon arviculoides cursor (Winge) (Anoplura Hoplopleuridae)
Ddel Carmen Castro, Cicchino, A. Conrado, González, A., Machel, E. Mandes1996A new species of the genus Hoplopleura Enderlein, 1904 (Phthiraptera, Hoplopleuridae), parasitic on Chelemys macronyx vestitus (Thomas, 1903) (Rodentia, Cricetidae)
Ddel Carmen Castro, González A.2003A new species of Hoplopleura (Phthiraptera, Anoplura) parasitic on three species of Bibimys (Muridae, Sigmontinae, Rodentia)
Ddel Carmen Castro, González A.2003Una nueva especie de Hoplopleura (Phthiraptera, Anoplura) parásita de tres especies de Bibimys (Muridae, Sigmodontinae, Rodentia)
Ddel Carmen Castro, González A.1996A new species of the genus Hoplopleura Enderlein, 1904 (Anoplura, Hoplopleuridae) parasitic on Andinomys edax (Rodentia-Cricetidae)
Ddel Carmen Castro, González, A., Caviedes, V. E.1998Hoplopleura nicolai sp. nov. (Anoplura, Hoplopleuridae), parásita de Andalgalomys sp. (Muridae, Rodentia)
Ddel Carmen Castro, González, A., Cicchino, A. Conrado1995A new species of the genus Hoplopleura Enderlein, 1904 (Phthiraptera, Hoplopleuridae), parasitic on Neotomys ebriosus vulturnus Thomas, 1921 (Rodentia, Cricetidae)
E. F. Cook1958Hoplopleura acanthopus, on Microtus pennsylvanicus, H. hesperomydis on Peromyscus maniculatus, seasonal variation in louse population
E. F. Cook, Beer J. R.1959The immature stages of the genus Hoplopleura (Anoplura: Hoplopleuridae) in North America, with descriptions of two new species
L. A. Durden1992Parasitic arthropods of sympatric meadow voles and white-footed mice at Fort Detrick, Maryland
L. A. Durden, Timm R. M.2001Hoplopleura janzeni n. sp. (Phthiraptera: Anoplura), a new sucking louse from a Central American swimming mouse
L. A. Durden, Wilson N.1991Parasitic and phoretic arthropods of sylvatic and commensal White footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) in Central Tennessee, with notes on lyme disease
G. Floyd Ferris1921Contributions towards a monograph of the sucking lice. Part II
D. González-Acuña, Castro, Ddel Carmen, Moreno-Salas, Ldel C.2003Contribucion al conocimiento de los Phthiraptera (Anoplura, Hoplopleura) parasitos de roedores en Chile
P. True Johnson1972Sucking lice of Venezuelan rodents, with remarks on related species (Anoplura)
P. True Johnson1972On the rodent infesting Anoplura of Panama
T. M. Kollars, Jr., Durden, L. A., Oliver, Jr, J. H.1997Fleas and lice parasitizing mammals in Missouri
G. G. Liljesthröm, Lareschi M.2001Fecundity of Hoplopleura scapteromydis (Phthiraptera: Anoplura, Hoplopleuridae), ectoparasite of Scapteromys aquaticus (Rodentia: Muridae) in Río de la Plata Marshlands, Argentina
H. Helena de Oliveira, de Almeida, A. Benedito, de Carvalho, R. Wilson, de Mello, R. Pinto, Serra-Freire, N. Maués2001Record of Hoplopleura of the group quadridentata (Anoplura: Hoplopleuridae) in Brazil
H. Helena de Oliveira, de Almeida, A. Benedito, de Carvalho, R. Wilson, Serra-Freire, N. Maués2001Record of Hoplopleura imparata Linardi, Teixeira & Botelho (Anoplura: Hoplopleuridae) and of two new hosts in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil
G. S. Pfaffenberger, Debruin D.1988Parasites of the hispid cotton rat, Sigmodon hispidus (Cricetidae), and population biology of the cotton rat louse, Hoplopleura hirsuta (Hoplopleuridae, Anoplura), in Eastern New Mexico, including an annotated host-parasite bibliography
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith