
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
V. Lyman Kellogg1896New Mallophaga, II, from land birds; together with an account of the Mallophagous mouth-parts
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1903Mallophaga from birds of Costa Rica, Central America
V. Lyman Kellogg, Paine J. Howard1914Mallophaga from the birds (mostly Corvidae and Phasianidae) of India and neighbouring countries
S. von Kéler1937Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Mallophagen des Rebhuhnes (Perdix perdix Linn.)
T. Clay1938New species of Mallophaga from Afropavo congensis Chapin
T. Clay1940Genera and species of Mallophaga occurring on Gallinaceous hosts. - Part II. Goniodes
T. Clay1940Mallophagan Miscellany - Part 1
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1944Studies in Neotropical Mallophaga (V) The lipeuroid forms of the New World Galliformes. Part 1
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1945Studies in Neotropical Mallophaga (V). The lipeuroid forms of the New World Galliformes. Part 2
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1945Studies in Neotropical Mallophaga (VII). Goniodes and allied genera from gallinaceous hosts
M. A. R. Ansari1946Mallophaga found on domestic fowl, Gallus domesticus Linn., in the Punjab
C. Conci1946Due nuovi generi di Goniodidae dei Galliformes e nota sul genere Archigoniodes Eichler
G. H. E. Hopkins1946Stray notes on Mallophaga - VII
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1946Studies in Neotropical Mallophaga (IX). Amblycera of the New World "Galliformes", Part 1. The genus Menacanthus Neumann
K. C. Emerson1949Three new species of Mallophaga
1949Arthropods of Potential Medica land Veterinary Importance from Ponape, Caroline Islands
T. Clay1950A preliminary survey of the distribution of Mallophaga ('Feather lice') on the class Aves (Birds)
K. C. Emerson1950New species of Goniodes
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1950Studies in Neotropical Mallophaga (X). Amblycera of the New World "Galliformes", Part 2. The genus Amyrsidea Ewing
T. Clay1951Systematic notes on the Piaget collections of Mallophaga. - Part II
M. Rothschild, Clay T.1952Fleas, Flukes & Cuckoos: A Study of Bird Parasites
T. Clay1953Systematic notes on the Piaget collections of Mallophaga. - Part IV
S. von Kéler1954The Mallophaga from Eudyptes chrysolophus (Brand) and E. cristatus (Miller)
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1954The Menoponidae of the Cracidae and the genus Odontophorus (Neotropical Mallophaga miscellany No. 8)
K. C. Emerson1955Notes on two species of Goniodes (Mallophaga)
J. Tendeiro1955Malófagos de Moçambique. Algumas espécies recolhidas em Galliformes
M. A. R. Ansari1955Synoptic table for the determination of Mallophaga infesting the domestic fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus)
M. A. R. Ansari1956A host-list of phthirapteran parasites (lice) found on Indo-Pakistan mammals (mammalia) and birds (aves)
C. Conci1956L'allevamento in condizioni spermentali dei Mallofagi II. - Stenocrotaphus gigas (Taschenberg)
O. Vrazic1956Ectoparasites of common pheasant (Phasianus colchicus L.) of P. R. Croatia
K. C. Emerson1957Notes on Lagopoecus sinensis (Sugimoto) (Philopteridae, Mallophaga)
M. A. R. Ansari1957A note on the mensuration of an ischnoceran Mallophaga, Goniodes pavonis (Linnaeus), infesting the Indian common pea-fowl (Pavo c. cristatus Linnaeus)
K. C. Emerson1958Two new species of Mallophaga from gallinaceous birds
K. C. Emerson, Ward R. A.1958Philippine Zoological Expedition 1946-1947. Notes on Philippine Mallophaga, I. Species from Ciconiiformes, Anseriformes, Falconiformes, Galliformes, Gruiformes and Charadriiformes.
J. Tendeiro1958Études sur les Mallophages. Observations sur les Cuclotogaster (Ischnocera, Philopteridae) parasites des Galliformes des genres Francolinus et Pternistis
K. C. Emerson1961Designation of a lectotype for Amyrsidea megalosoma (Overgaard, 1943)
J. Złotorzycka, Danecki J.1962Obserwacje nad zywotnoscia wszolow (Mallophaga) z martwych gluszcow (Tetrao urogallus L.)
P. L. G. Benoit1962Les Mallophages du paon congolais (Afropavo congensis Chapin)
K. C. Emerson, Stojanovich C. James1963Two new species of Mallophaga for Asia
K. C. Emerson, Stojanovich C. James1964A new species of Mallophaga from the mikado pheasant
R. D. Price, Beer J. R.1964Species of Colpocephalum (Mallophaga: Menoponidae) parasitic on the Galliformes
R. D. Price1965The identity of Colpocephalum hoffmanni Zavaleta
R. D. Price, Emerson K. C.1966The genus Kelerimenopon Conci with the description of a new subgenus and six new species (Mallophaga: Menoponidae)
I. Tagle1966Parásitos de los animales domésticos en Chile
W. D. Ryder1967The dispersal of certain species of Mallophaga which infest the domestic fowl, Gallus domesticus
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1967Posthumous papers of Melbourne A. Carriker, Jr. V. New species of Colinicola, Passonomedea, Eiconolipeurus, and Oxylipeurus (Mallophaga: Philopteridae) from neotropical Gallinaceous birds
K. C. Emerson, Price R. D.1967A new species of Somaphantus (Mallophaga: Menoponidae) from Thailand
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1967Posthumous papers of Melbourne A. Carriker, Jr. II. New species of Trichodomedea (Mallophaga: Philopteridae) from neotropical Gallinaceous hosts
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1967Posthumous papers of Melbourne A. Carriker, Jr. IV. Review of the genus Cracimenopon (Mallophaga: Menoponidae) found on the avian genus Ortalis, with descriptions of six new forms
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1967Posthumous papers of Melbourne A. Carriker, Jr. III. Review of the genus Desumenopon (Mallophaga: Menoponidae) with descriptions of three new forms


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith