
AuthorsYearsort ascendingTitle
D. M. Bland, Long, D., Rosenke, R., B. Hinnebusch, J.2024Yersinia pestis can infect the Pawlowsky glands of human body lice and be transmitted by louse bite
L. Rózsa, Weaver H. J.2024Chapter 64: Phthiraptera (Order): Lice [Concepts in Animal Parasitology]
N. J. Fustino, Waddell, J. P., Panzer, Z. R.2022A 12-Year-old Girl With Chronic Pediculosis Infestation Presenting With Severe Iron Deficiency Anemia
M. Winther Pedersen, Antunes, C., De Cahsan, B., Moreno-Mayar, J. Víctor, Sikora, M., Vinner, L., Mann, D., Klimov, P. B., Black, S., Michieli, C. Teresa, Braig, H. R., M. Perotti, A.2022Ancient human genomes and environmental DNA from the cement attaching 2,000 year-old head lice nits
I. F. Burgess2022Sucking lice and spiracular transpiration: turning a liability into a benefit and a necessity
Á. A. Faccini-Martínez, Silva-Ramos, C. Ramiro, Santodomingo, A. M., Ramírez-Hernández, A., Costa, F. Borges, Labruna, M. B., Muñoz-Leal, S.2022Historical overview and update on relapsing fever group Borrelia in Latin America
Y. - T. Fu, Yao, C., Deng, Y. - P., Elsheikha, H. M., Shao, R., Zhu, X. - Q., Liu, G. - H.2022Human pediculosis, a global public health problem
G. I. Giraldo-Calderón, Harb, O. S., Kelly, S. A., Rund, S. S. C., Roos, D. S., McDowell, M. updates: bioinformatic resources for invertebrate vectors of human pathogens and related organisms
O. Hashim, Charvet, C. L., Toubate, B., Ahmed, A. A. E., Lamassiaude, N., Neveu, C., Dimier-Poisson, I., Debierre-Grockiego, F., Dupuy, C.2022Molecular and Functional Characterization of GABA Receptor Subunits GRD and LCCH3 from Human Louse Pediculus Humanus Humanus
J. Jung2022DDT Resistance Korean Body Lice and Development of Insecticide Resistance Knowledge during Korean War
M. Jamil, Idress, A., Qadir, Z. Abdul, Imran, F., Qasim, M., Khan, M. Shehzad, Aziz, H., Iqbal, Z., Qazi, I., Sadia, B., Khan, I., Shah, S. Hussain, Rasheed, M., Ali, M.2022Medical and Veterinary Ectoparasites' Importance: An Insight on Alternative Control
L. Kress, Potts, R., Pietri, J. E.2022Examination of vertical transmission of Bartonella quintana in body lice following multiple infectious blood meals
N. Tropical D. PLOS2022Expression of Concern: Body lice of homeless people reveal the presence of several emerging bacterial pathogens in northern Algeria
N. Rudd, Zakaria, A., Kohn, M. A., Amerson, E. H., Fox, L. P., Linos, E., Chang, A. Y.2022Association of Body Lice Infestation With Hemoglobin Values in Hospitalized Dermatology Patients
R. Barbieri, Drancourt, M., Raoult, D.2021The role of louse-transmitted diseases in historical plague pandemics
M. Guzmán-Torres, Cano-Santana Z.2021Actualización del listado de piojos (Insecta: Phthiraptera) de México: distribución, riqueza, grado de especificidad y pediculosis humana
M. Adly, Woo, T. Evart, Traboulsi, D., Klassen, D., Hardin, J.2021Understanding Dermatologic Concerns Among Persons Experiencing Homelessness: A Scoping Review and Discussion for Improved Delivery of Care
M. Chatterjee, Neema S.2021Dermatoscopy of infections and infestations
H. Gao, Li, Y., Wang, M., Song, X., Tang, J., Feng, F., Li, B.2021Identification and Expression Analysis of G Protein-Coupled Receptors in the Miridae Insect Apolygus lucorum
K. Harper2021Of Lice and Men
K. M. D. Kuabara, Valim M. Paiva2021Phthiraptera
V. G. Kuznetsova, Gavrilov-Zimin, I. A., Grozeva, S. M., Golub, N.2021Comparative analysis of chromosome numbers and sex chromosome systems in Paraneoptera (Insecta)
N. Lamassiaude, Toubate, B., Neveu, C., Charnet, P., Dupuy, C., Debierre-Grockiego, F., Dimier-Poisson, I., Charvet, C. L.2021The molecular targets of ivermectin and lotilaner in the human louse Pediculus humanus humanus: New prospects for the treatment of pediculosis
J. M. Piper2021Candida and parasitic infection: Helminths, trichomoniasis, lice, scabies, and malaria
T. Sasaki, Adachi, T., Itoh, K., Matsuoka, M., Yamagishi, T., Hirao, M., Isawa, H., Oishi, K., Shibayama, K., Sawabe, K.2021Detection of Bartonella quintana Infection among the Homeless Population in Tokyo, Japan, from 2013–2015
A. Soltani, Borouji, F., Abdollahi, S., Pourtabatabaei, A. -sadat2021A Systematic Review of the Arthropod-Borne Rickettsial Diseases with a Special Emphasis on Iran
G. Trevisan, Cinco, M., Trevisini, S., di Meo, N., Ruscio, M., Forgione, P., Bonin, S.2021Borreliae Part 2: Borrelia Relapsing Fever Group and Unclassified Borrelia
O. Hashim, Charvet, C. L., Toubate, B., Ahmed, A. A. E., Neveu, C., Dimier-Poisson, I., Debierre-Grockiego, F., Dupuy, C.2021Molecular Cloning, Functional Characterization and Spatiotemporal Expression of GABA Receptor Subunits from Human Body Louse Pediculus humanus humanus
M. Akhoundi, Sereno, D., Marteau, A., Bruel, C., Izri, A.2020Who Bites Me? A Tentative Discriminative Key to Diagnose Hematophagous Ectoparasites Biting Using Clinical Manifestations
N. Amanzougaghene, Fenollar, F., Raoult, D., Mediannikov, O.2020Where Are We With Human Lice? A Review of the Current State of Knowledge
S. J. Coates, Thomas, C., Chosidow, O., Engelman, D., Chang, A. Y.2020Ectoparasites: Pediculosis and tungiasis
A. Durdle2020Insects as vectors of DNA in a forensic context
R. Pérez-Tanoira, Ramos, J. M., Martín-Martín, I., Prieto-Pérez, L., Tesfamariam, A., Tiziano, G., Anda, P., González-Martín-Niño, R. M., Rodríguez-Vargas, M., Gorgolas, M., Jado, I.2020Molecular Survey of Rickettsia spp., Anaplasma spp., Ehrlichia spp., Bartonella spp., and Borrelia spp. in Fleas and Lice in Ethiopia
K. Candy, Akhoundi, M., Andriantsoanirina, V., Durand, R., Bruel, C., Izri, A.2020Essential Oils as a Potential Treatment Option for Pediculosis
H. M. Díaz-Alejo, Martínez-Alesón, P., Costas, E.2020Why do we iron clothes? Tracking its origins based on a sanitary hypothesis
P. Jarrett, Scragg R.2020Evolution, Prehistory and Vitamin D
J. E. Pietri, Ray R.2020A simplified protocol for in vitro rearing of human body lice
J. E. Pietri, Yax, J. A., Agany, D. D. M., Gnimpieba, E. Z., Sheele, J. M.2020Body lice and bed bug co-infestation in an emergency department patient, Ohio, USA
A. Portillo, Maggi, R., Oteo, J. A., Bradley, J., García-Álvarez, L., San-Martín, M., Roura, X., Breitschwerdt, E. B.2020Bartonella spp. Prevalence (Serology, Culture, and PCR) in Sanitary Workers in La Rioja Spain
L. Stone, He, D., Lehnstaedt, S., Artzy-Randrup, Y.2020Extraordinary curtailment of massive typhus epidemic in the Warsaw Ghetto
L. ten_Bosch, Habedank, B., Siebert, D., Mrotzek, J., Viöl, W.2020Erratum: ten Bosch et al. Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Comb—A Physical Approach for Pediculosis Treatment
N. J. Fustino, Waddell, J. P., Panzer, Z. R.2020A 12 Year-Old Girl with Severe Iron Deficiency Anemia Secondary to Chronic Pediculosis Infestation
S. Firooziyan, Sadaghianifar, A., Ghahvechi_Khaligh, F., Oshaghi, M. Ali, Gholizadeh, S.2020Wolbachia Endosymbiant Was Not Detected in Field Collected Population of Head and Body Lice From Iran Using Molecular Markers
Weems,Jr, H.V., Fasulo T. R.2020Crab Louse, Pthirus pubis (Linnaeus) (Insecta: Phthiraptera (Anoplura): Pediculidae)
J. Powers, Badri T.2019Pediculosis corporis
L. A. Durden2019Lice (Phthiraptera)
T. Duc Anh Ly, Kerbaj, J., Edouard, S., Hoang, V. T., Louni, M., Dao, T. L., Benkouiten, S., Badiaga, S., Tissot-Dupont, H., Raoult, D., Brouqui, P., Mediannikov, O., Gautret, P.2019The Presence of Acinetobacter baumannii DNA on the Skin of Homeless People and Its Relationship With Body Lice Infestation.
K. Gunning, Kiraly, B., Pippitt, K.2019Lice and Scabies: Treatment Update
L. ten_Bosch, Habedank, B., Siebert, D., Mrotzek, J., Viöl, W.2019Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Comb—A Physical Approach for Pediculosis Treatment
J. H. Leibler, Robb, K., Joh, E., Gaeta, J. M., Rosenbaum, M.2018Self-reported Animal and Ectoparasite Exposure among Urban Homeless People


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith