
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
G. B. Thompson1938A brief survey of the species of Mallophaga described from (3) Procellariiformes and (4) Pelecaniformes
G. B. Thompson1937A brief survey of the Species of Mallophaga described from Anseriformes and Ciconiiformes (Phoenicopteri)
G. B. Thompson1937A brief survey of the species of Mallophaga described from Falconiformes
R. D. Price, Clay T.1972A review of the genus Austromenopon (Mallophaga: Menoponidae) from the Procellariiformes
S. O. Ryan, Price R. D.1969A review of the genus Eidmanniella (Mallophaga: Menoponidae) from the Pelecaniformes
R. D. Price1971A review of the genus Holomenopon (Mallophaga: Menoponidae) from the Anseriformes
K. C. Emerson1954A review of the genus Menopon Nitzsch, 1818 (Mallophaga)
R. D. Price1974A review of the genus Pseudomenopon (Mallophaga: Menoponidae)
V. Lyman Kellogg1906A second collection of Mallophaga from birds of the Galapagos and Revillagigedo Islands and neighboring waters
J. C. Harshbarger, Raffensperger E. M.1961An evaluation of coding systems for estimating populations of the shaft louse, Menopon gallinae
J. P. Fabiyi1996Association between duration of humid season and geographical distribution patterns of different species of chewing lice (Mallophaga:Insecta) infesting domestic chickens in Nigeria
O. Sychra, Harmat, P., Literák, I.2008Chewing lice (Phthiraptera) on chickens (Gallus gallus) from small backyard flocks in the eastern part of the Czech Republic
W. Abebe, Asfaw, T., Genete, B., Kassa, B., Dorchies, P.1997Comparative studies of external parasites and gastro-intestinal helminths of chickens kept under different management system in and around Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)
J. Millán, Gortázar, C., Martín-Mateo, M. Paz, Villafuerte, R.2004Comparative survey of the ectoparasite fauna of wild and farm-reared red-legged partridges (Alectoris rufa), with an ecological study in wild populations
E. Lonc, Złotorzycka J.1984Connections between poultry biting lice and microflora
L. Ancona1935Contribucion al conocimiento de los piojos de los animales de Mexico II
L. George Neumann1890Contribution a l'etude des Ricinidae parasites des oiseaux de la famille des Psittacidae
E. Armenante1911Contributo allo studio dei Mallofagi. Osservazioni sul Menopon pallidum
A. Kumar Saxena, Kumar, A., Singh, S. K.1995Cropteeth of poultry shaft louse, Menopon gallinae (Linn.) (Phthiraptera: Amblycera)
I. F. M. Olfers1816De vegetativis et animatis corporibus in corporibus animatis reperiundis commentarius. Dissertatio, part I
A. Kumar Saxena, Surman, Singh, S. K., Kumar, A.1998Description of life history stages of poultry shaft louse, Menopon gallinae (Phthiraptera: Amblycera, Menoponidae)
C. Ludwig Nitzsch1818Die familien und Gattungen der Thierinsekten (Insecta Epizoica); als Prodromus einer Naturgeschichte derselben
W. Eichler1947Dr. E. Mjöberg's zoological collections from Sumatra 15.: Mallophaga
A. Permin, Esmann, J. B., Hoj, C. H., Hove, T., Mukaratirwa, S.2002Ecto-, endo- and haemoparasites in free-range chickens in the Goromonzi District in Zimbabwe
C. Calvete, Estrada, R., Lucientes, J., Estrada, A.2003Ectoparasite ticks and chewing lice of red-legged partridge, Alectoris rufa, in Spain
A. N. Okaeme1988Ectoparasites of guinea fowl (Numida meleagris galeata Pallas) and local domestic chicken (Gallus gallus) in southern Guinea Savanna, Nigeria
C. Rasch1901Ein Fall von lokalem durch einen Hühnerparasiten (Menopon pallidum Nitzsch) hervorgerufunen Pruritus
H. Helena de Oliveira, Ferreira, I., da Serra-Freire, N. Maués1999Fauna de Mallophaga (Insecta: Aptera) de ectoparasitos em Gallus gallus L. e Columba livia L. amostrados no Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
C. M. Crutchfield, Hixson H.1943Food habits of several species of poultry lice with special reference to blood consumption
M. C. Trivedi, Sharma, S., Rawat, B. S., Saxena, A. Kumar1990Haematophagous nature of an amblyceran phthirapteran, Menacanthus cornutus Schommer, infesting poultry bird Gallus domesticus L. in India
E. Lonc, Lachowicz T. M.1987Insecticidal activity of Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies against Menopon gallinae (Mallophaga: Menoponidae)
L. Picaglia1884Intorno alla divisione del genere Menopon nei due sottogeneri Menopon e Piagetia - Piagetia ragazzii n. sp.
O. S. Aldemir2004Kars İlinde Tavuklarda Bulunan Ektoparazitler
E. Piaget1885Les Pédiculines. Essai monographique. Supplément
J. Franklin Illingworth1928Lice affecting poultry in Hawaii
M. M. Gabaj, Beesley, W. N., Awan, M. A.1993Lice of farm animals in Libya
J. B. D. George, Otobo, S., Ogunleye, J., Adediminiyi, B.1992Louse and mite infestation in domestic animals in northern Nigeria
M. A. R. Ansari1951Mallophaga (Amblycera) infesting birds in the Panjab (India)
V. Lyman Kellogg, Chapman B. L.1899Mallophaga from birds of California
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1903Mallophaga from birds of Costa Rica, Central America
V. Lyman Kellogg, Paine J. Howard1914Mallophaga from the birds (mostly Corvidae and Phasianidae) of India and neighbouring countries
Y. N. Aldryhim1991Mallophaga of the domestic chicken in the central region of Saudi Arabia.
S. Oliveira da Silva, de Oliveira, H. Helena, Texeira, R. Hidalgo Fr, Serra-Freire, N. Maués2004Mallophaga parasitic on birds captive at the Municapal Quinzinho de Barros zoo in Sorocaba City, São Paulo state, Brazil
S. Oliveira da Silva, de Oliveira, H. Helena, Teixeira, R. H. F., da Serra-Freire, N. Maués2004Malófagos parasitas de aves campestres cativas do zoológico municipal Quinzinho de Barros, Sorocaba, Estado de São Paulo, Brazil
W. Hellén1927Menopon currucae Schrank
W. Hellén1927Menopon lutescens N. ny för Finland
G. H. E. Hopkins, Clay T.1960Menopon Nitzsch, 1818 (Insecta, Mallophaga) and related names; Application for addition to official lists
M. V. Slingerland1906Menopon pallidum


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith