
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
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J. R. H. Andrews1971Description of the hitherto unknown males of Damalinia longicornis (Nitzsch, 1818) and Damalinia hemitragi (Cummings, 1916) – Trichodectidae: Mallophaga
J. R. H. Andrews1970Notes on infestations of Damalinia hemitragi (Cummings, 1916) (Mallophaga) on Tahr in New Zealand
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D. S. Bertram, Roberts, E. W., Edwards, M.1952A rapid method for sampling for Damalinia (Bovicola) bovis L. on cattle, and its use in a comparison of the effectiveness of "Gammexane" and D.D.T. against this parasite
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M. Bogoescu1968Reproducerea în laborator a păduchelui rozător Damalinia (= Bovicola) bovis L.
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A. G. Britt, Cotton, C. L., Pitman, I. H., Sinclair, A. N.1986Effects of the sheep chewing louse (Damalinia ovis) on the epidermis of the Australian merino
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N. P. H. Graham, Scott M. T.1949Observations on the control of some ectoparasites of sheep. Part I. The use of arsenic, rotenone, sulphur and phenol compounds for the control of the sheep ked (Melophagus ovinus) and the sheep body louse (Damalinia ovis)
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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith