
AuthorsYearsort ascendingTitle
N. Perveen, Bin Muzaffar, S., Al-Sabi, M. Nafi Solai, Hamdan, L., Aldarwich, A., Iliashevich, D., Mohteshamuddin, K., Sparagano, O., Willingham, A. Lee2024The first record of ostrich feather louse (Struthiolipeurus struthionis) collected from farmed ostriches (Struthio camelus) in the United Arab Emirates
O. Sychra, Sušilová, L., Najer, T., Literák, I., Papoušek, I., Martinů, J., Trnka, A., Čapek, M.2024Chewing lice of Bearded Reedling (Panurus biarmicus) and diversity of louse-host associations of birds in reed beds in Slovakia
A. Maria Benedek, Boeraș, I., Lazăr, A., Sandu, A., Cocîrlea, M. Denisa, Stănciugelu, M., Cic, N. Viorica, Postolache, C.2024Effects of Season, Habitat, and Host Characteristics on Ectoparasites of Wild Rodents in a Mosaic Rural Landscape
S. Amanuel, Getahun T. Kassa2024A Study on Major Ectoparasites and Associated Skin Diseases of Ruminants in and Around Bishoftu Town, Central Ethiopia
K. J. Reinhard, Searcey, N. A., Pucu, E., Arriaza, B., Buikstra, J., Owen, B.2023Head Louse Paleoepidemiology in the Osmore River Valley, Southern Peru
A. A. Grossi, Lee, M. - B., Tian, C., Zou, F., Choi, C. - Y., Gustafsson, D. R.2023Host Migration and Size Do Not Influence the Prevalence of Most Chewing Lice (Phthiraptera: Amblycera and Ischnocera) on Shorebirds (Aves: Charadriiformes) across the World
O. Sychra, Rózsa, L., Podani, J., Literák, I., Čapek, M., Sychra, V.2023Multivariate study of lice (Insecta: Psocodea: Phthiraptera) assemblages hosted by hummingbirds (Aves: Trochilidae)
S. Ali Alarifi, Alsdae, G., Duweb, G. A.2022Factors Affecting Pediculosis capitis Transmission among Primary School Children
A. Akil Khudh AL-Daoody, Mohammed, A. Khalis, Jabbary, H. Hawar Moha, Ali, F. A., Ibrahim, H. Abdulkaree, Abdullah, K. Muhsin, Mawlud, S. Ismail, Rahman, S. Jubrael2022Investigation on prevalence, risk factors, and genetic diversity of Pediculus humanus capitis among primary school children
H. Kavur, Özkurt, Ü. Halil, Büyükkatran, F., Evyapan, G., Kalkan, S., Çelik, Z., Kurcan, E., Karataş, D. Ali, Alptekin, D.2022Effect of Education and Regular Examination on the Prevalence of Head Louse Infestations in Adana
M. K. Kouam, Fokeng, A. Namekong, Biekop, H. F., Hako-Touko, A. Blaise, Tebug, T. Tumasang2022Prevelance and clinical signs of chewing lice in local chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) in Menoua Division, Western highlands of Cameroon
G. Nancy Livia_Córdova2022Prevalencia de Ectoparásitos en aves de la familia Psittacidae del zoológico Las Pirkas y del zoológico, zoocriadero, Centro de Rescate Crax 2000, Provincia de Lambayeque 2018
M. Murshed Ha Mustafa, Islam, M. Rafiul, Rahman, M. Mukhlesur, Talukder, M. Hasanuzzam2022Prevalence of Ecto and Endo Parasitic Infections Among Bapard Cattle Farm and Gopalganj District of Bangladesh
S. Singh Rana, Gupta, N., Bhardwaj, S., Khan, G.2022Population characteristics of louse Columbicola columbae Linn. 1758 (Phthiraptera: Insecta) on pigeons in Uttar Pradesh, India
M. Sajid, Iqbal, A., Rizwan, H. Muhammad, Naz, S., Maqbool, M., Malik, M. Abdullah, Jawad-ul-Hassan, M.2022Epidemiology and therapeutic efficacy of a synthetic pyrethroid against Haematopinus tuberculatus (Phthiraptera: Haematopinidae) in Bubalus bubalis
A. Both de Souza, de Morais, P. C., Dorea, J. Pedro S. P., Fonseca, A. Beatriz Mo, Nakashima, F. Terumi, Corrêa, L. Lisboa, França, P. O., Bastos, O. Machado Pe, Barbosa, A. S., Uchôa, C. M. A.2022Pediculosis knowledge among schoolchildren parents and its relation with head lice prevalence
H. Hajar Ziaei, Ghasemi-Mahale-kalaei, M. Sediq, Ehteshaminia, Y., Mohammadi, H., Rahimi-Esboei, B., Mahdavi, S.2022The evaluation of epidemiological and clinical characteristics of head lice in North of Iran
T. D. Galloway, Lamb R. J.2021Population Dynamics of Chewing Lice (Phthiraptera) Infesting Birds (Aves)
K. Hamidi, Bueno-Marí R.2021Host-ectoparasite associations; the role of host traits, season and habitat on parasitism interactions of the rodents of northeastern Iran
A. Ramadhan Issa, Mero, W. M. S., Hasan, D. Loqman, Hameed, M. Ahmed2021The Prevalence of Parasites in the Domestic Pigeons (Columba livia domestica) in Zakho City, Kurdistan-Iraq
S. R. Kakabwa, Amin, O. Mahmood, Polus, N. N., Mawlood, N. A.2021A survey on the prevalence of some ectoparasite species infesting sheep and goats in Kalar district, Kurdistan region, Iraq
K. Lihou, Wall R.2021Prevalence and distribution of lice on sheep and cattle farms in Great Britain
R. Norouzi, Jafari, S., Meshkati, H., Bagheri_Amiri, F., Siyadatpanah, A.2021Prevalence of Pediculus capitis Infestation among Primary School Students in East Azerbaijan Province, Iran (2018 – 2019)
K. Uchenna Ozioko, Okoye, C. Ikem, Ubachukwu, P. Obiageli, Agbu, R. Awudu, Ezewudo, B. Izuchukwu, Ezea, C. Osita2021Prevalence assessment of ectoparasitic arthropods among commonly consumed wildlife in Nsukka, southeast Nigeria
M. Sepehri, Jafari Z.2021Prevalence and Associated Factors of Head Lice (Pediculosis capitis) Among Primary School Students in Varzaqan Villages, Northwest of Iran
P. Waindok, Raue, K., Grilo, M. L., Siebert, U., Strube, C.2021Predators in northern Germany are reservoirs for parasites of One Health concern
S. Kumar_Yadav, Sarkar, S., Sarkar, S., Zonaed_Siddiki, A.2021Prevalence of Endoparasites and Ectoparasites of Captive Peafowl Farm
A. Zahirnia, Aminpoor, M. Ali, Nasirian, H.2021Impact and trend of factors affecting the prevalence of head lice (Pediculus capitis) infestation in primary school students
L. Legiawati, Raissa,, Widaty, S., Kekalih, A., Santoso, I. Dorthy, Lubis, F. Faulin2021Prevalence of hair disorders and their related factors among adolescent students in public boarding school, West Java, Indonesia
A. Nahal, Righi, S., Boucheikhchoukh, M., Benakhla, A.2021Prevalence of ectoparasites in free-range backyard chicken flocks in northeast Algeria
M. Tayyub, Ali, S., Javid, A., Imran, M.2021Prevalence and diversity of ectoparasites in Wild Rock Pigeon (Columba livia) in Punjab region, Pakistan
W. Hailu Enaro2021Prevalence and associated risk factors of Ectoparasites in chickens in extensive and intensive farms in Wolaita zone, Ethiopia
V. Susantie Syamsul, Okene, I. Abdul- Azee, Che_Yahya, S. Nor, Hamdan, R. Hayati, Lee, S. - H., Tan, L. - P.2020Prevalence of Ectoparasitism on Small Ruminants in Kelantan, Malaysia
F. Soto, Klaich, M. J., Negrete, J., Leonardi, M. Soledad2020So happy together: juvenile crabeater seal behavior improves lice transmission
S. Fatima, Jabeen S.2020Study of The Prevalence (%) 0f Pediculus humanus capitis (Head Louse) Infestation Among School Children in Karachi
H. Kassiri, Mehraghaei, M., Lotfi, M., Kasiri, R.2020Head lice prevalence and associated factors in primary schools in Karun County, Khuzestan Province, Iran
B. Paulo Rodr Lustosa, Haidamak, J., Oishi, C. Yumi, de Souza, A. Both, de Souza_Lima, B. Jacomel Fa, Reifur, L., Shimada, M. Kiyoe, Vicente, V. A., Valero, M. A., Rocio-Klisiowicz, Dd2020Vaccuuming method as a successful strategy in the diagnosis of active infestation by Pediculus humanus capitis
T. Urgessa, Gemeda, J., Amale, M. Bojite, Disasa, D. Dejene, Bedore, B.2020Lice Infestation in Small Ruminants in Nono District, West Showa Zone, Oromia Regional State
D. Dejene Disasa, Beyene, J., Zerihun, B., Dawit, I., Kabeta, W., Kantiba, W.2020Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors of lice in Small Ruminants in and around Ambo District
D. Dejene Disasa, Tessema, M., Tsegaye, B.2020Prevalence of Lice in Small Ruminants in and Around Babile District, East Hararge Zone, Oromia Regional State
S. Alireza Habibi, Rahimi, M. Taghi, Seraji, M. Salmani, Mahdavi, S.2020Prevalence of pediculosis in Mazandaran province from 2012-2020
S. Khanal, Sukupayo P. Ram2020Prevalence of Ectoparasites on Domestic cattle of Budol, Banepa, Kavre
E. Feki, Gebre, S., Shumet, A., Gobena, Y., Mohammed, H., Ebregergious, A.2020Prevalence of ectoparasites in small ruminants (case: afar region of Ethiopia)
D. Dejene Disasa, Tolossa, Y. Hailu, Terefe, G., Berhanu, G.2020Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Ectoparasite in Ruminants in and Around Shashemene Town
E. Captivo Lourenço, Lacerda, A. Carolina, Bergallo, Hde Godoy2020Lice community structure infesting Trinomys iheringi (Thomas, 1911) - Ocurrence, sex bias and climatic variables on tropical island
X. Chu, Dik, B., Gustafsson, D. R., Che, X., Zhang, Q., Zou, F.2019The Influence of Host Body Size and Food Guild on Prevalence and Mean Intensity of Chewing Lice (Phthiraptera) on Birds in Southern China
J. R. Lawal, Mustapha, M., Adamu, L., Dauda, J., Biu, A. A.2019Ectoparasitosis in Domesticated Turkeys (Meleagris Gallopavo) in Jere Area, Borno State, Nigeria
A. Begum, Mukutmoni, M., Akter, F.2019Parasite diversity in mallard: A cross sectional study on Anas platyrhynchos from Munshiganj, Dhaka


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith