
AuthorsYearsort ascendingTitle
T. Muñoz-Caro, González, M. Fernanda, Villalobos, R., Hidalgo, A.2024Parasitic findings on threatened pudu deer from Central Chile accounts first genetic characterization of lice parasitizing P. puda in Chile and the first molecular report of Taenia hydatigena metacestodes in this species
B. Dik2024Notes on Lice (Psocodea: Phthiraptera) Species in Domestic and Wild Mammals in Türkiye: Some Corrections and New Additions
A. - R. Kazim, Houssaini, J., Tappe, D., Heo, C. - C.2023An annotated checklist of the chewing lice (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera, Amblycera, Rhynchophthirina) from domestic and wild mammals in Malaysia
M. J. Fernández-Muñoz, Castillo-Contreras, R., Pérez, J. M., Granados, J. E., Márquez, F. J., López-Montoya, A. J.2023Co-infection patterns in the ectoparasitic community affecting the Iberian ibex Capra pyrenaica
G. G. Ballados-González, Martínez-Hernández, J. M., Martínez-Rodríguez, P. B., Gamboa-Prieto, J., González-Guzmán, S., Paredes-Cervantes, V., Grostieta, E., Becker, I., Aguilar-Domínguez, M., Vieira, R. F. C., Cruz-Romero, A., Sánchez-Montes, S.2023Molecular detection of hemotropic Mycoplasma and Bartonella species in lice from sheep and goats of Mexico
Ö. Öktem, Dik B.2023Studies on the Determination of Ectoparasites and the Prevalence Rate in Cattle in İzmir, Aydın and Muğla Regions
R. M. Akbayev, Kolpakov, I. D., Bogdanova, A. V.2022Эффективность водных эмульсий инсектоакарицидного средства из группы синтетических пиретроидов (ДВ зета-циперметрин КЭ) в отношении возбудителей бовиколёза лошадей (Phthiraptera: Trichodectidae) в условиях in vitro
A. Frances Colvin, Reeve, I., Kahn, L. Phillip, Thompson, L. Joy, Horton, B. J., Walkden-Brown, S. William2022Prevalence of sheep lice and trends in control practices across Australia – Australian sheep parasite control surveys from 2003 to 2019
J. N. Izdebska, Rolbiecki, L., Bielecki, W.2022The First Data on Parasitic Arthropods of the European Bison in the Summer Season with a World Checklist
S. Legesse, Hailemelekot, M., Tamrat, H., Alemu, Y. F.2022Epidemiological and therapeutic studies on sheep lice in Sayint district, South Wollo Zone, Northeast Ethiopia
K. Mounsey, Harvey, R. J., Wilkinson, V., Takano, K., Old, J. M., Stannard, H. J., Wicker, L., Phalen, D., Carver, S.2022Drug dose and animal welfare: important considerations in the treatment of wildlife
P. Nedelchev Prelezov, Nizamov, N. S., Veleva, P.2022Tests on the efficacy of amitraz, ivermectin and eprinomectin for control of lice in goats
L. Tran, Rawlin, G. T., Beddoe, T.2022Development of molecular detection methods of Bovicola ovis from sheep fleece
A. Aniellen R. Aguiar, Rolim, C. Michel de, Dantas, I. Leda Morei, André, W. Pinheiro P., Coelho, W. Adson Cost, Pereira, J. Soares2021In vitro efficacy of Carapa guianensis Aublet (Meliaceae) oil on Damalinia (Bovicola) ovis Schrank (1781)
A. B. Forbes2021Obligate ectoparasites of cattle: lice and mange mites.
A. B. Forbes2021Sheep ectoparasites: insects.
C. Flores-Mendoza, Loyola, S., Jiang, J., Farris, C. M., Mullins, K. E., Estep, A. S., Fisher, M. L., Richards, A. L.2021Molecular Characterization of Bartonella Species Discovered in Ectoparasites Collected from Domestic Animals, Cuzco, Peru
S. R. Kakabwa, Amin, O. Mahmood, Polus, N. N., Mawlood, N. A.2021A survey on the prevalence of some ectoparasite species infesting sheep and goats in Kalar district, Kurdistan region, Iraq
P. Kozina, Izdebska, J. N., Gólcz, A., Gutowski, A.2021Bovicola bovis (Phthiraptera, Trichodectidae) z bydła stepowego węgierskiego (Bos primigenius taurus hungaricus) w Gdańskim Ogrodzie Zoologicznym
K. M. D. Kuabara, Valim M. Paiva2021Phthiraptera
B. T. Lakew, Kheravii, S. K., Wu, S. - B., Eastwood, S., Andrew, N. R., Nicholas, A. H., Walkden-Brown, S. William2021Detection and distribution of haematophagous flies and lice on cattle farms and potential role in the transmission of Theileria orientalis
F. Mckiernan, O’Connor, J., Minchin, W., O’Riordan, E., Dillon, A., Harrington, M., Zintl, A.2021A pilot study on the prevalence of lice in Irish beef cattle and the first Irish report of deltamethrin tolerance in Bovicola bovis
B. Ouarti, Mediannikov, O., Righi, S., Benakhla, A., Raoult, D., Parola, P.2021Molecular detection of microorganisms in lice collected from farm animals in Northeastern Algeria
K. Uchenna Ozioko, Okoye, C. Ikem, Ubachukwu, P. Obiageli, Agbu, R. Awudu, Ezewudo, B. Izuchukwu, Ezea, C. Osita2021Prevalence assessment of ectoparasitic arthropods among commonly consumed wildlife in Nsukka, southeast Nigeria
N. Rahman, Scott, F. Hannah, Lvov, Y., Stavitskaya, A., Akhatova, F., Konnova, S., Fakhrullina, G., Fakhrullin, R.2021Clay Nanotube Immobilization on Animal Hair for Sustained Anti-Lice Protection
V. Yılgör Çırak, Girisgin A. Onur2021Parasites of Horses, Donkeys and Mules in Turkey
B. Dik, Erdem, İ., Zerek, A., Karagöz, M., Yaman, M.2020The first case of Bovicola (Werneckiella) ocellatus (Piaget, 1880) (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Trichodectidae) on a donkey (Equus asinus Linnaeus, 1758) in Turkey
V. Susantie Syamsul, Okene, I. Abdul- Azee, Che_Yahya, S. Nor, Hamdan, R. Hayati, Lee, S. - H., Tan, L. - P.2020Prevalence of Ectoparasitism on Small Ruminants in Kelantan, Malaysia
B. Ouarti, Laroche, M., Righi, S., Meguini, M. Nadir, Benakhla, A., Raoult, D., Parola, P.2020Development of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry for the identification of lice isolated from farm animals
A. A. Pérez de León, Mitchell, R. D., Watson, D. W.2020Ectoparasites of Cattle
Cof worms s COWS)2020Control of ectoparasites of cattle
B. Dik, Ceylan, O., Ceylan, C., Tekindal, M. Agah, Semassel, A., Sönmez, G., Derinbay_Ekici, Ö.2020Ectoparasites of feral horses [Equus ferus caballus (Linnaeus., 1758)] on Karadağ Mountain, Karaman, Turkey
B. Dik2020Türkiye’deki evcil ve yabani memelilerde görülen bit (Phthiraptera) türleri
S. A. Wong, Woodgate, R. G., Pant, S. D., Ghorashi, S. A.2020Rapid detection of Bovicola ovis using colourimetric loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP): a potential tool for the detection of sheep lice infestation on farm
Y. Ajith, Dimri, U., Madhesh, E., Gopalakrishnan, A., Verma, M. Ram, Samad, H. A., Reena, K. K., Chaudhary, A. Kumar, Devi, G., Bosco, J.2020Influence of weather patterns and air quality on ecological population dynamics of ectoparasites in goats
V. Homero Gonzalez-Alvarez2020Presence of Two Lice Species (Insecta: Phthiraptera) in a Goat (Capra hircus) from La Comarca Lagunera, Mexico: A Case Report
A. Sazmand, Bahari, A., Papi, S., Otranto, D.2020Parasitic diseases of equids in Iran (1931–2020): a literature review
D. Dejene Disasa, Andarge, B., Hiko, A.2020Review on Ectoparasites and Tick Borne Hemoparasites in Small Ruminants
H. Benyahia, Ouarti, B., Diarra, A. Zan, Boucheikhchoukh, M., Meguini, M. Nadir, Behidji, M., Benakhla, A., Parola, P., Almeras, L.2020Identification of Lice Stored in Alcohol Using MALDI-TOF MS
S. Khanal, Sukupayo P. Ram2020Prevalence of Ectoparasites on Domestic cattle of Budol, Banepa, Kavre
J. E. Light, Eckerlin, R. P., Durden, L. A.2019Checklist of ectoparasites of Canidae and Felidae in México
Y. Ajith, Dimri, U., Gopalakrishnan, A., Devi, G.2019A field study on the efficacy of ivermectin via subcutaneous route against chewing lice (Bovicola caprae) infestation in naturally infested goats
J. Ehlers, Poppert, S., Ratovonamana, R. Y., Ganzhorn, J. U., Tappe, D., Krüger, A.2019Ectoparasites of endemic and domestic animals in southwest Madagascar
P. Junquera, Hosking, B., Gameiro, M., Macdonald, A.2019Benzoylphenyl ureas as veterinary antiparasitics. An overview and outlook with emphasis on efficacy, usage and resistance
K. E. Larsen, Lifschitz, A. L., Lanusse, C. E., Virkel, G. L.2019In vitro and in vivo effects of chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin on blood cholinesterases in sheep
B. Ramadevi, Battu G.2019A holistic approach for formulation and evaluation of poly herbal shampoos
V. Forbes, Huchet, J. - B., McManus-Fry, E., Gómez_Coutouly, Y. A., Masson-MacLean, J., Masson-MacLean, É., Ledger, P. M., Britton, K., Hillerdal, C., Knecht, R.2019Activity Areas or Conflict Episode? Interpreting the Spatial Patterning of Lice and Fleas at the Precontact Yup’ik Site of Nunalleq (Sixteenth to Seventeenth Centuries AD, Alaska)
B. Mustafa2019Detection on ectoparasites on small ruminants and their impact on the tanning industry in Sulaimani province
G. Shobana, Gunasekaran C.2018A Survey of Ectoparasites on Mammals in Agriganar Anna Zoological Park, Chennai, South India


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith