
Authorssort ascendingYearTitle
R. Ziani, Lazli, A., Marniche, F., Ziani, B. - E. Cheri, Dik, B.2022The distribution and diversity of chewing lice (Phthiraptera) on the Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus in Algeria
E. Yamaç, Dik, B., Cavus, M.2023The environment and host effects on chewing lice prevalence, richness, and abundance on birds in Turkey
S. von Kéler1951Zwei neue Mallophagenarten von Atlantisia rogersi Lowe
S. von Kéler1952On some Mallophaga of sea birds from the Tristan Da Cunha group and the Dyer Island
M. Paiva Valim, Botão-Miranda R. A.2005Occurrence of Pseudomenopon pilosum (Scopoli, 1763) (Phthiraptera: Amblycera) in Brazil
J. Osvaldo Valdebenito, Moreno, L., Barrientos, C., Mironov, S., Kinsella, J. M., Cicchino, A. Conrado, Mena, M., Grandón-Ojeda, A., González-Acuña, D.2018Gastrointestinal and ectoparasites of plumbeous rail, Pardirallus sanguinolentus (Aves: Rallidae) in Central Chile
S. A. Trewick, Pilkington, S., Shepherd, L. D., Gibb, G. C., Morgan-Richards, M.2017Closing the gap: Avian lineage splits at a young, narrow seaway imply a protracted history of mixed population response
G. B. Thompson1947A list of the type hosts of the Mallophaga and the lice described from them
G. B. Thompson1948A list of the type hosts of the Mallophaga and the lice described from them. [1]
G. B. Thompson1948A list of the type hosts of the Mallophaga and the lice described from them. [2]
J. Tendeiro1963Études sur les Mallophages. Observations sur trois espèces du genere Laemobothrion Nitzsch, 1818 (Ischnocera, Philopteridae), avec description d'une nouvelle espèce, Laemobothrion (Eulaemobothrion) blagoveshtchenskyi n. sp., parasite de Porphyrio madagasc
B. Kishore Tandan1951Mallophagan parasites from Indian birds. Part I. New species belonging to the genera Aquanirmus, Quadraceps and Rallicola (Ischnocera, Philopteridae)
R. L. Roudabush1942Parasites of the american coot Fulica americana in central Iowa
W. Rossi, Máca J.2006Notes on the Laboulbeniales (Ascomycetes) from the Czech Republic
R. D. Price, Emerson K. C.1986Two new species of Mallophaga from the Black-tailed water hen (Gruiformes) of
R. D. Price1974A review of the genus Pseudomenopon (Mallophaga: Menoponidae)
F. Baziz-Neffah, BITAM, I., Kernif, T., Beneldjouzi, A., BOUTELLIS, A., Berenger, J. -michel, Zenia, S., Doumandji, S.2015Contribution à la connaissance des ectoparasites d’oiseaux en Algérie
Z. Abd- Ali Mohammad2020Some chewing lice (Phthiraptera) species as ectoparasites infested aquatic birds with a new record of three species from Al-Sanaf marsh/ southern Iraq
E. Mey2005Psittacobrosus bechsteini: a new extinct chewing louse (Insecta, Phthiraptera, Amblycera) off the Cuban Macaw Ara tricolor (Psittaciiformes), with an annotated review of fossil and recently extinct animal lice
Labdul-kade Al-Ibrahimi, Anah, S. Aziz, Khudhair, Z. Lateef2019Isolation and diagnosis ectoparasite from Gallinula chloropus in AL-Diwaniyah city- Iraq
H. Hahn, Kanda, I., Brandão, J., Noden, B.2023Unique Host-Parasite Relationships from Wildlife and Pets at a Zoological Medicine Service at Central Oklahoma
O. Girisgin, Girisgin, A. Onur, Cimenlikaya, N., Saygin, B.2022A Survey of the Ectoparasites Found on Wild Birds in Northwest Turkey
T. D. Galloway2004Species packing in lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera: Mallophaga) infesting the sora, Porzana carolina (Aves: Rallidae)?
I. A. Fedorenko1974On the problem of some Ukrainian Passeriformes infestation with Mallophga
K. C. Emerson1955A review of the genus Rallicola (Philopteridae, Mallophaga) found on Aramidae, Psophiidae and Rallidae
K. C. Emerson1960Two new species of Fulicoffula (Mallophaga) from the sora
K. C. Emerson1966New species and records of Rallicola (Mallophaga: Philopteridae) from New Guinea
T. Clay1953Revisions of the genera of Mallophaga - I. The Rallicola-complex
A. Conrado Cicchino, Emerson K. C.1983Contribution al conocimiento de los Malofagos Argentinos. XIV. Philopteridae (Mallophaga Ischnocera) Nuevos o poco conocidos parasitos de Rallidae (Aves Gruiformes)
A. Conrado Cicchino1981Contribucion al conocimiento de los Malofagos Argentinos. VII. Las especies de Rallicola Johnston & Harrison (Mallophaga, Philopteridae) parasitas del genero Fulica (Aves, Rallidae) en la Provincia de Buenos Aires
Ddel Carmen Castro, Cicchino A. Conrado1983Contribucion al conocimiento de los Malofagos Argentinos XIII. Dos nuevas especies del genero Incidifrons Ewing, l929 (Mallophaga-Philopteridae) parasitas del genero Fulica (Aves-Gruiformes) de Argentina
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1903Mallophaga from birds of Costa Rica, Central America
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1953Neotropical Miscellany No. VI. New genus and species of Mallophaga
C. M. Bartlett, Anderson R. C.1987Pelecitus fulicaeatrae (Nematoda, Filarioidea) of coots (Gruiformes) and grebes (Podicipediformes) - skin inhabiting microfilariae and development in Mallophaga
C. M. Bartlett, Anderson R. C.1989Mallophagan vectors and the avian filariods: new subspecies of Pelecitus fulicaeatrae (Nematoda: Filarioidea) in sympatric North American host, with development, epizootiology, and pathogenesis of the parasite in Fulica americana (Aves)
C. M. Bartlett, Anderson R. C.1989Some observations on Pseudomenopon pilosum (Amblycera, Menoponidae), the louse vector of Pelecitus fulicaeatrae (Nematoda, Filarioidea) of coots, Fulica americana (Aves, Gruiformes)
Z. Bahiraei, Sazmand, A., Khedri, J., Babaei, M., Moeinifard, E., Dik, B.2024Chewing lice of wild birds in Iran: new data and a checklist of avian louse species reported in Iran
R. C. Anderson, Bartlett C. M.1994Ephemerality and Reproductive Senescence in Avian Filarioids
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith